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  1. C

    First Ladies

    Some need to shake the dirt out their skirt over the wod of michelles panties. Geez, it is what it is. BIG!
  2. C

    First Ladies

    No wonder bho has a roaming eye.
  3. C

    Caption this photo

    Barry's just checking the umbrella for anymore hidden whiskey samplers, Michele is off the wagon. http://www.nationalenquirer.com/michelle_obama_booze_binges_barack_livid/celebrity/66873 The NE did break the John Edwards love child scandal, so who knows.
  4. C

    The Bottom May Be About To Fall Out

    800 billion just don't get you much these days.
  5. C

    Growth down graded

    Yet the stock market goes up for the day.
  6. C

    Are you a Racist

    Also, if you are not smart enough to realize it's all Bush's fault, you might be a racist.
  7. C

    Actions speak louder

    He has given the ruskys anything they wanted, remember the missle defense shield?
  8. C

    We're Broke. Now What?

    Why the name calling shaumei?
  9. C

    Obama backs mosque near Ground Zero

    I think they should open up a strip club across the street, call it 72 virgins.
  10. C

    In Bush v. Obama, Bush Wins in a Rout

    The fed can be audited if they want, the books opened. Since they voted not to audit, I guess the whole damn thing is a conspiracy?
  11. C

    More Of "THAT" Culture

    They lost 8-9 hundred thousand from gambling boats. Blago wouldn't let them smoke while gambling so they all went to the Mo side.
  12. C

    German Engineering vs. Muslim

    Do they actually say that, 'To use them sexually'. You have to have some serious frustrations for that to appeal to a man. What do they promise the women by the way?
  13. C

    German Engineering vs. Muslim

    Isn't it a tad bit odd, they treat women like dogs but worship a religion that promises them women when they die?
  14. C

    Obama Phone

    Anybody but obama. Now we can go back as far as Wilson-lol. This specific program, SafeLink, started under President George Bush, with grants from an independent company created under President Bill Clinton, which was a legacy of an act passed under President Franklin Roosevelt, which was...
  15. C

    Obama Phone

    As much as it pains me to say this, but the so called obama phone started life under Reagen's watch.
  16. C

    Dept. Of Defense Lost $9 BILLION

    This fail safe of blaming Bush has lost it's shine. In 2012 when the big 0 is sent packing, you can blame that one on Bush also.....
  17. C

    What's A "Black Expo"?

    You would be obamacized.
  18. C

    Tea Party-Baggers.............

    Was he talking about murdering some white crackers and killing their babies?
  19. C

    Black panther party leader

    King Samir Shabazz of the NBPP, sharing the opposite side of the race hate coin with the KKK. Each just as caustic and virulently racist as the other. Both deplorable. Both evil. If you denounce the KKK or any racist white supremacist group (as any decent human being should) you should by all...