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  1. D

    Ohh to be Young!!

    Remember that the best times spent hunting were with firends....family was ok, but the time spent with my old cronies are the trips that I remember and we talk about many years later. Looks like the boys are well on their way, good looking brace...sons and geese. At my age it's getting hard to...
  2. D

    Love him or loathe him, he nailed this one

    Totally agree...but then we keep on electing them back to make the same decisions....at least there are a few in congress that have the stones to speak up and tell the rest that the American people are tired of war. Not a dove, spent three tours in Nam and have a daughter that just got back...
  3. D

    Elk hunting problem

    A few years back a big outfit in New Mexico was busted for pulling down their fences to let the migrating elk move onto the ranch easier then restrung the fence...we're talking tall fences. There was a news feature about it. Herding on horseback I find that hard to believe, even back when I...
  4. D

    Tell me if this is funny ......LOL

    Looks like you were on a ship....do share.
  5. D

    Odd study linking Alzheimer's and Daydreaming

    That's scarry....been a daydreamer for as long as I remember, I like to reffer to it as collecting my thoughts. With the skeletons in my genetic closet I think that I need to improve my memory skills...but then I wouldn't get to meet all thoes nice people everyday and go to all the new places...
  6. D

    Tell me if this is funny ......LOL

    Must be getting on in years...had no idea what was being talked about.
  7. D

    IRAQ for Adults Only

    Thanks for the update....been awhile since I was a Jarhead...ooraaaah!