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  1. Q

    WMD's Recently Shipped From Iraq

    Yeah the intended use could be anything but it is line having lead. It could be made into bullets if you have the capiblity. Did Saddam have the capability probably not as he didn't enrich it. Why wasn't it siezed when first discovered.
  2. Q

    Obama Completes Flip Flop On Gun Ban?

    You guys see this is what i do not get. If someone broke into my place i would use some thing from my arsenal. But to go out and buy a handgun with the thought that i was going to use it to end another persons life on purpose is beyond me. Using a gun to defend my self shotgun or rifle i can get...
  3. Q

    Obama Completes Flip Flop On Gun Ban?

    Ammunition supplies aren't covered from what i have seen, but maybe i am wrong and it is somewhere in your constituion. Could you please show me where you have the right to gun powder, primers, and shell casings ? But what i will never understand why folks down there like shooting other...
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    Obama Completes Flip Flop On Gun Ban?

    Sorry but if Obama gets in as pres. there will be some who try to take him out, just a prediction. You guys down there don't need gun control have as many guns as you want it is in your constituion, but is says nothing about Ammunition control. Want to cut down gun crimes with handguns make...
  5. Q

    Obama Completes Flip Flop On Gun Ban?

    Wouldn't anyone want a ban on hand guns in DC if you were expected to be president? It kinda makes life a little safer. But now that it has been overturned and any nutbar can walk around with a glock and 2 clips now. Obama better get Hilory as his Vp so he isn't taken out by some looney.
  6. Q

    Is US Dollar Collapsing?

    The USA dollar is falling and Canadian is rizing just as fast. What you guys fail to realize it that historically 3 to 5 years after the conclusion of a conflict the US goes thru a major economic boom so the answer to your predicted depression is getting all your troops home, but it doesn't look...