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  1. R

    Fertility or weight

    It's not meant to be an either/or question...what is more important in your management practices? PC, one other thing I see important in replacement selection...look for cow/cow families that are putting working cows back into the herd. This is something we hear from academia and the 'purebred...
  2. R

    Fertility or weight

    Excellent management tool to find the maximum of both fertility and weight that your environment will support.
  3. R

    Fertility or weight

    Doesn't a 100 lb increase in calf weight come at an added cost?
  4. R

    Fertility or weight

    What is more important to the commercial cattleman...increased percentage of weaned calves or increased weaning weights?
  5. R

    Grazing Fall Triticale??

    Per, how does triticale like "wet feet"? I've lost stands of rye because the soil stayed saturated too long. I assume it starts growing at the same low temps as rye...+35F and sunshine?
  6. R

    Grassfeeding a whole new ballgame

    The thing that makes grassfed difficult is that it is site specific. You must find the animals that "work" in your system and propagate them to gain efficiency of production...a long and continuous process. Many in grassfed have the mentality of grain feeding...over power flawed or marginal...
  7. R

    Grassfeeding a whole new ballgame

    Sounds like Johan has a good handle on the concept...if you are going to finish on pasture, you need cattle adapted to YOUR pasture/environment/management.
  8. R

    Favorite Reels and Polywire Products

    Gallagher polywire is absolutely the most durable and long lasting wire I have used...their tape hasn't lasted as long, but is better than anything else I've used(as Bootheel said, I use it when visibility is important)...turbo wire is a waste. For long runs, use 12.5 ga. AL for permanent supply...
  9. R

    Are parasites becoming resistant to dewormers?

    Selecting for resistance works...treating growing animals for parasites pays...don't confuse the two by keeping treated animals for breeding...regardless of how good they look!!!
  10. R


    Yes, we even have an old windbag whose only goal is to "stir things up"! :P The boss has been on my case to try and limit my internet time...and she makes a convincing case. I still check in here and am flattered by the concern...not gone for good, although I'm sure some would hope! :shock:
  11. R

    Z tag review

    Opinions wanted...what is the best tag for retention? I've been using Allflex with fairly good results 'til last year, but RSL may have given me the reason for so many lost tags this winter...plastic bale twine...new hay supplier.
  12. R

    Kit shows the way ahead

    Disagree, red meat has a negative image in the media, medical profession and government. Heart attacks = saturated fats = red meat...a lie, but that is what the public is being told.
  13. R

    Grassfarmer's Pharo post

    Soapweed, it's just the opposite for me...I'd roll up into a little ball and just give up if I had to face your temps! :shock: :D :lol: :lol: As for the cattle, that's why we have to adapt them to their environment...a little Brahman goes a long way!!! :wink: 8)
  14. R

    Kit shows the way ahead

    Ever since the U.S. check-off(about 1985), the producer's share of the consumer's dollar has gone down...BUT, according the the check-off folks, it would be a lot worse if not for the check-off!! :???: :? :roll: I think the check-off should be raised to $2.00 and paid at the packer's gate...
  15. R

    Grassfarmer's Pharo post

    Dylan, this is my problem with this debate...conventional producers pointing to bad managers as being the norm for low cost producers. As I'm sure you know, the cost savings does not come from "starving dry cows through the winter", but comes from not having to feed a wet cow through half the...
  16. R

    Kit shows the way ahead

    Kit is presenting nothing new...what he is presenting is the way the cattle industry was run before cheap corn. Two things to consider... What is going to happen to your bottom line if corn goes to $4-6.00 and stays there? Global food corporations are fast becoming the bottle neck(if they...
  17. R

    Kit shows the way ahead

    How much does 6 inches of cannon bone weigh? How well does frame score define a cow or calf? Dylan, BRG...are these sub-frame 4 calves that are taking a hit, well muscled short calves or narrow butt, pot bellied dinks?
  18. R

    Grassfarmer's Pharo post

    Why is low cost cow/calf equated with "Starving a profit out of a cow"? Low cost cow/calf is simply matching your cows peak nutritional needs with your lands peak forage production.
  19. R

    Kit shows the way ahead

    Is it not most cost effective to match the cows peak nutritional needs with the lands peak forage growth? Is BCS at calving more important than forage at breeding?