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  1. S

    Last one

    nice when everything comes together...
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    Getting young'ns involved

    good on you for taking the time to teach the next generation
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    Old Beef

    A year or so back, a friend and i were lucky enough to have a neighbor rancher give us and old cow. We put it down, and butchered it. Turned everything to hamburger. Had all 225 lbs flash froze in 2 lb packages. Gave it all to family members and it ended up in British Columbia, Alberta...
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    Calling all sheepmen!

    I have a four blankets made of wool rovings.(long thick strands of wool) The core, or base for two are woven thru burlap, the others thru a plastic mesh, like plastic snowfence. I definitely prefer the burlap ones, however the plastic has held up remarkably well, and has not poked thru as I...
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    Sweet clover questions

    A few years ago I helped a friend move some 200 hd of pairs into a sweet clover field in full blume. I had a urgent all the next aft. to come and move them back out as most of the cows were bleeding from both nostrils. Heard later it might have been the high nitrogen, but cant confirm. Anybody...
  6. S

    Earls rethinks beef buying

    Just announced on Calgary TV Earls reconsidering buying beef in Canada. Looks like the power of social media has made some people pay attention to the bottom line. No word from Cdn Cattlemen spokesman as of yet.
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    Sharing a Viewpoint.

    An excellent response, I like your way of thinking. If Cattlemen or any other group of producers don't unite and work together, the light at the end of the tunnel gets smaller.
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    Sharing a Viewpoint.

    :cboy: :cboy:
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    Sharing a Viewpoint.

    It appears that there is even more to this.... Earls, president is a Muslim and the beef secured in the USA is considered 'halal' or ok for Muslims to eat. Just google Earls and halal. I don't know all the ins and outs of Muslims nor I really want to but I find it interesting that this is...
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    Advice on old Hereford Journals

    OOOGLE GOOOOGLE was my friend... looked it up and found out that they are ' Englais koooows' :D :D :cowboy:
  11. S

    goats and sheep

    fantastic photos.. gotta love the outdoors. BUT..... does anyone know why the Ram fell off the cliff??????? he didn't see the ewe turn..... lol
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    Goose Neck Hitches

    I like my B&W turnover... $890 in Canada $450 in USA guess where I bought mine.......... :) :) :)