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    Denn, I like the Sheifelbein Effective bull calf.
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    Raising Bulls

    The happiest day of the year for me on my place is the day I get last yearling bull deleivered. Then I do it all over the next year. It just goes to show you can't fix stupid. :)
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    Saler Cattle

    I had some Salers 1 time for 3 days. That was long anuff. Well 5 minites was anuff, but it took the next 3 days to get them caught & back on the trailer. I will put snow boots & a coat on my angus daily before I would use a Saler, unless I was breeding bucking stock.
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    New bull I picked up

    I hope that isn't your house in the first picture. I see it's nice and green there we doh't have any leaves on are trees yet.
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    Bigger Not Always Better When It Comes to Bull

    Oldtimer, you better post this on Advantage so your dear friend Al can read this. :D
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    offically started calving

    That 3rd picture is a funny looking calf. :) Hope all goes well I'm 1/3 to half done, gone very well here have lost 1 to cold & no backwards one.
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    Looking for a bull

    Hillrider, sent an email right to your email. Can't get the PM to work on my end thanks.
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    Looking for a bull

    Hillrider, I set you an PM email with my cell #
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    Formula Pricing

    Sold the low end of the heifers off the farm last week for $1250 they averaged 850# ever had any grain 9 1/2 to 10 months old. :D :) Helps make up for those bad years.
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    Looking for a bull

    Hillrider, I live in SD 16 miles north of NE. I have a registered angus that fits your bill. His AAA #16361201 He will be 2 this spring I used him for clean up after AI. Never had grain in his life. You can see his dam granddam & half sisters by his dam & sire. He is gental as a lamb, & a very...
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    Cows on Shares

    Haveing cattle on shares is the highest interest rate you will ever pay. even if you do 40/60% you are paying 40% interest. You are better off renting out your pasture. But if you want to do shares I will sent you all the cows you want. The guys I know that make the most money on cattle are the...
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    refilling semen tanks

    One bad winter the rep could not get to are place. We got another 3 day blizzird, checked the tank it did not read on the stick. call a guy about 4 mile north he had 4 tanks and all where full. The gravel roads were not open, and the snow was to deep to move with a tractor 12 to 14 foot drifts...
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    Best Crossbred

    AngusCowboy, TB Saler is located by Dante SD they have sold at Midland in the past, have an annaul sale in Feb in Yankton, I have seen bulls go out as far as KY. His name is Terry Beeson phone #605-two 8 six-3955
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    Best Crossbred

    I like the Angus Maine cross, use to run alot of those before going all angus. They will add bone & butt. A lot ezer to work with an Saler. I had a few of those one time for about 4 days. That was enuff for me. Also had black & red baldies & the angus x Maine raised better bigger calves.
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    Baby calf is NOT male or female!

    Kenkay, I had one this year also. No, :D I had a cow have one.
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    N Bar Emulation EXT semen for sale

    Yes, I will take all 5 for $130. :lol:
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    You need a Hereford

    I get the bull day catolog & figured these herefords were yours. I bought the top bull there in 2000 I think it was, from Dale Melhuf. I have always thought about taken some out there but never have yet, also know a simmy breeder that sells there every year. Maybe someday. Hey Doug you could buy...
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    A month early and backwards!

    I'm not surprized she had it on Tuesday, It was to nice for a cow to calve on Monday.
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    Semen in Ampules

    Cornykid, for the advice on useing the amps, call Dr. Don Coover at SEK Genetics Horizons, #800-443-6389, he is a very nice guy and can walk you through it better than I or any one on here can type it up. He does a lot of embyo work with amps and has come up with a way better way than the...
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    ritchey tags

    I started useing z tags in 1999 they are the best that I tried, I use the larges in baby calves 99% of the time their still in when they go to town from old age.