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  1. O

    What will be Bush's reasons for withdrawal?

    Well, here's a fearless prediction: The "final" withdrawal of us troops will only be to the Kurdish controlled areas in the North. That is where more of the land has not been surveyed for oil production. The south areas (Iranian influenced) has been extensively explored. The Kurds have already...
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    Asia Times:Prediction on Iraq Election Results

    Dec 15, 2005 THE ROVING EYE We vote, then we throw you out By Pepe Escobar First, a quick look at the environment ahead of Thursday's elections in Iraq. Political assassinations, party headquarters burned, abductions (all largely unreported by Western corporate media). A former...
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    House votes to extend tax cuts

    tax cuts, that is, for capital gains and dividends.....here's a couple of cartoons that sum up the fact that our middle class seems to be disappearing & the usa is looking more and more like a 3d world country of rich&poor with little inbetween. :(
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    What will be Bush's reasons for withdrawal?

    Excerpt from commentary discussing our troop withdrawal & the reasons for it: -------------------------------- What emerges here is not fleeting disenchantment, but a coherent and hard-nosed critique of Bush's strategy. The administration's fundamental problem is not that the public is...
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    Iraq: Should we stay? Should we go?

    Interesting commentary: -------------------------------- November 21, 2005 Should we stay or should we go? In Iraq? Neither Jack Murtha, the congressman who set the cable news networks afire this weekend, or Frank Rich, the lead dog on the New York Times Sunday op-ed page, mentioned...
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    Our friends in Iraq had a meeting-issued policy position

    Divided Iraqis unite on U.S. forces Reconciliation forum calls for withdrawal Advertisement By Salah Nasrawi Associated Press November 22, 2005 CAIRO -- Leaders of Iraq's sharply divided Shiites, Kurds and Sunnis called Monday for a timetable for the withdrawal of U.S.-led forces in...
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    Dis, you and your liberal buddies in the House

    I thought the ex-Marine's proposal was to withdraw within a reasonable time--not immediately. I heard that he was actually proposing 6+ months or so. I also read the text of the Republican proposal. It was "immediate" withdrawal, as in "beginning right now". Did I miss something?
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    Government Help

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    Attention Deficit Nation

    Anyone on this discussion board use natural gas for winter heating; or home heating oil(which, as I understand is about the same as diesel)? If so, have the prices started creeping up yet? A FSA officer told me yesterday that the ag banks are having a very hard time lending operating money to...
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    Who Is Financing Terrorists? + China's Activities

    Interesting article w/many implications. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The World Oil Crisis: Implications for Global Security and the Middle East By Gal Luft The global oil market environment of very strong demand and very little spare...
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    Reagan Insider: A Fortress for Elites?

    Most people will remember Peggy Noonan of the Reagan administration.I surely don't qualify as an "elite"; but there's much food for thought in her article below. "Fortress" anyone? :help: PEGGY NOONAN A Separate Peace America is in trouble--and our elites are merely resigned. Thursday...
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    Oil/terrorism/next elections-

    Below is the pasted-in thread I found on a petroleum trader's discussion board that I found interesting. I think it is beyond question that the fossil fuel situation world-wide will impact greatly upon all peoples---I am wondering what will happen next; particularly this coming winter re...
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    G.W.Bush: Trick or Treat!
