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  1. T

    work coat

    Alot of Carhart stuff is made elsewhere these days. I just bought a new Carhart FR vest that says "made in mexico" on the tag. On some of the welder forums I belong to alot of the guys are griping because tis seems to be the case with most of what they are buying from Carhart. This is really...
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    We must not, CANNOT let this happen in America

    Shoot Shovel And Shut Up Really simple solution that has worked well on wolves. Now our government is forcing us to implement this strategy on other varmints as well. Tex
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    Gingrich: GOP in Danger of Becoming Permanent Minority

    I hear ya. The Hostile Native and I have had the discussion several times on what it would take to get this country back on track. We could not think of any scenario that would be pleasent. We have seriously considered selling out and buying a place just big enough to raise what we need for...
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    Gingrich: GOP in Danger of Becoming Permanent Minority

    I dont necessarily care for Newt, but he is right. If the "R's" dont put a hand on each shoulder and yank real hard to pull their head outta their hind ends, the "R's" are gnna be suckin hind tit. Last time they gave us McCain. This time they gave the people, Romney. To believe he is, or would...
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    NRA calls for Policeman in every School

    Dont get me wrong, I am agaist mor police and anything that will lead us closer to a police state, but, BUT, if it is going to happen let it be the choice of those who pay the taxes and will be most affected by it. Personally, I am for not infringing upon the 2nd amendment. If a teacher decides...
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    NRA calls for Policeman in every School

    A-Raise property tax (school tax) to fund police or armed responder presence in schools B-Rescind Gun Free Zone designation C-Both A and B D-Neither A or B and remain with status quo Perhaps rather than making this a national issue, it should be an issue determined by each individual school...
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    Prominent coal company lays off 160 employees

    We have been having global warming since the end of the last ice age. If CO2 is such a problem, why are soft drinks still legal? Seems like carbonated drinks would be on their hitlist. Tex
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    Prominent coal company lays off 160 employees

    Several of the coalmines here in NE Wyoming have layed off employees. They have all cut production and several multimillion dollar projects that would have created jobs have been shelved. Tex
  9. T

    The "REAL" List of American Traitors

    The list won't be complete without LBJ's name on there. Tex
  10. T


    Let's really tick'em off and start sending over all of the hyphonated americans as well. Tex
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    Why farmers shouldn't feel bad

    Let a bunch of them miss a few meals and their tune will change. Tex
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    She Loves America!

    Wow!!! When it comes to people like that, you're damn right I'm a racist. I have loathed Obama since he came on the seen for what he stands for, os does'nt stand for. Sometimes it is hard to tell. He caters to this type of trash and makes no bones about it. He makes a point to go out of his way...
  13. T

    Blacks Having Big Fun (Beating Whites)

    When faced with this type of situation, it is best to shoot the ones to the rear of the group first. When the rest of the group takes off running they will trip over the bodies of their homies. As they are trying to get back up you will have ample time to reload. Tex
  14. T

    1/2 $Million$ Vacation At Taxpayer Expense

    She is just trying to get as much use out of the US dollar that she can before her husband and his cohorts drive it down far enough to be worth nothing. I have'nt been alive long enough to have firsthand memories of too many first ladies, but I can remember a few. This woman does not even...
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    Expert: black leaders fueling racial division

    It is too bad though that she will be quickly dismissed. Being educated and successful, she will be accused of being out of touch with the average black person and having no real world experience of being kept down and put uopn. I have seen it firsthand on indian reservations and heard of it in...
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    Expert: black leaders fueling racial division

    LOL. Not to be a smartalec, but No Sh*t. What gets me, is the people who do these studies and write these so-called important pieces of information, actually get paid to tell us what the average American already knows. I wish I was smart enough to figure a way to give my opinions. Not to pat...
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    Can anyone say HYPOCRITE

    I guess the "Hostile Native" is poor white trash as well. One thing she is'nt though is jealous of the ghetto version of the Jefferson's that now occupy the Whitehouse. George and Weezy actually worked and earned their way to the top. George Jefferson was nobody's puppet, unlike another famous...
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    2nd amendment rights

    Just goes to prove thay you cant trust a person because of their label. Perhaps people should start voting for the person and stop voting for the party. I know, it's a novel concept, but I dont think too many people are able to grasp the ramifications of having that much power. Tex
  19. T

    Liberals prying into bedrooms in California

    Pardon my crudeness, but I dont think who they have screwed before the job is nearly as important as who they plan on screwing once they get the job. Tex