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“Let’s show ‘em what Herreid, South Dakota can do for R-CALF

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R-CALF United Stockgrowers of America

February 24, 2005
For Immediate Release
Contact: Shae Dodson, Communications Coordinator 406.672.8969

Email: [email protected]

$40,000 Generated at Herreid Livestock (SD) R-CALF Fundraiser

Billings, MT ~ "Let's show 'em what Herreid, South Dakota can do for R-CALF, boys," shouted Herman Schumacher, owner/operator of Herreid Livestock Auction and R-CALF USA director on Friday, January 28, 2005 when an R-CALF fundraising sale got underway. When the sale ended more than 190 donors raised $40,000 for R-CALF coffers.

Kunz Northern Kross Ranch donated the Red Angus heifer sold during the rollover auction. "R-CALF does for us what we cannot do by ourselves," said Nina Kunz. "We are, by nature independent, yet we are pooling our opinions and energy through R-CALF. The organization is our voice. R-CALF understands because it is driven by producers who are just like all of us. We believe in the future of American agriculture and the U.S. cattle industry. We need an organization like R-CALF to protect our futures. Our ranch is willing to do whatever it takes to further the R-CALF cause."

Robert Thullner of Herreid Livestock Auction said 650 letters were sent out to prior to sale day encouraging support for the auction.

"It's now or never, folks," said Schumacher in a pre-sale speech. "R-CALF is the only outfit effectively dealing with the issues that are impacting your business. There's no doubt about it, the road ahead will be a rough one, but we're in it together and we're speaking with one voice – through R-CALF. The momentum that's building across the country to support R-CALF's efforts is a clear signal of how cattlemen feel and the unity we have. We're making a difference, but we have to do our part to make sure R-CALF can continue to do what needs to be done."

Donors included: : Deiter Bros., Campbell County Bank, Plains Commerce Bank, Herreid Livestock Market, Brandner Bros., Kunz Northern Kross Ranch, Harry Krause, Scott Farms, Hanson Horseshoe Ranch, Schumacher Farms, David Grenz, Dale Gill, Vilhauer Sales, Brentwood Colony, Wayne Hatzenbuehler, David Hagens,
Circle G Farms & Feedlot, Inc., PPL Livestock, Palmer, Dennis & Carol Walker, Anderson Ranch, Mike & Roger Hirsch, Modern Woodmen, Stoppler Bros., Charles Pals, Jason Hasper, Arnie Lutz, Gerry Kelsch Trucking, Glatt Livestock, Roger Rossow, Schaffer Cattle Co., Robert Thullner, Weisbeck Red Angus, Clint Ebel, Larson Livestock, Aldeen Ebel, Damion Dionne, Harvey Meyer, Strobel Trucking, Litzen & Son's, S & S Realty, Alfred Neuharth, Dakota Commodities, Ron's Ringneck Ranch & Heartland Hideway, Valley, Herreid Fey Inc., Ashley, Douglas Trefz, Ashley Veterinary Clinic, Richard Kaup, Herreid Loomix - David Schumacher, Sand Hills Red Angus Ranch, Sieh Cattle Co., Potter County Implement, Bergman Bros., Cahill Schaefbauer & Schmidt, PC, Jared Jacob, Kintyre, Dale Rueb, Windom Sales, Jake Longbrake, Ranco Enterprises, Vilhauer Ranch, Inc., James Schnabel, Ackerman Ranch, Larry Fjeldheim, Doug Hertz, Marlyn Thorstenson, Kenneth Shafer, NCFE, Floyd Opp, Wesley Moser, Dwight Rossow, Duane Fink, Weiszhaar Farms, Inc., Tom Rohrich, Morris Eisenbeisz, Ray Beckler, Mitzel & Sons, Dick Stotz, Ernie Fjeldheim, Darrell Bentz, Lavern Gill, Gerard Wald, George Shipley, Ken Brockel, Leroy Materi, Howard Loitwood, Jr., Gary Grove, Troy Beck, Chester Beck, Bruce Herr, Darin Horner, Delane Tschetter, Christ Gerr, Joseph Schmidt, Aman Trucking, Dan Schneider, Dean Ulmer, Herreid Sporting Center, Syd Johnson, Lee Leno, Walter Leno, Randy Rueb, Curt Eng, Jesse Hubner, Timber Lake Topic, Mark Schaunaman, Allen Almer, Thorstenson Herefords, Tuttle Farmers Elevator, Reuben Fink, Gesswein Motors, Buffalo Grill, Dennis Mittleider, Richard Volzke, Mark Meier Trucking, Allen Schaffer, John Koble, Mark Gruebele, Raile Farms, Conrad Swearson, Gary Oster, Gary Larson, Jeff Schaack, Nub Long, Mitzel Crop Insurance, Inc., Floyd Beck, Evan Sauter, David Gruebele, Heartland Publishing - Prairie Pioneer, Melvin Roesch, Schnabel Simmental, Ted Moser & Sons, Linton Concrete, Inc., Fuehrer Farms, Herreid Concrete, Inc., Gerard Retzer, Sharky's Bar & Grill, Lenny Gauer, Gary Krein Insurance, Dennis Fischer, Eureka Veterinary Service, Michael Heilman Trucking, Paul Thomas, Nathan Hart, Mark Rohrich, The Water Hole, Allan Rohrich, John Bichler, Leroy Jung, Gordon Huber, Prairie Rose Realty, Schurrs, Emmons County Record, Ashley Tribune, Kem Electric COOP, Inc. Tony Fettig, Ronald Fiedler, Scott Anderson, Arlo Ryckman, Alton Bauer, First State Bank of Roscoe, Kim Rossow, Adam Vetter, Roger Ryckman, Livestock Specialists, Inc., Leo Bichler, Doug Sieck, Richard Schaeffer, Schnabel Trucking, John Rygh, Mariann Schumacher, State Farm Insurance (Barry Lapp), Dorothy Brandner, Andrew Vetter, Jeff Schale, Pat Lapka, Roland Sandmeier, Stan Hunnel, Gerard Simon, Harpole Trucking, Grandma's Kitchen, Huber & Son, Robert Dreis, Arlyn Burgad, Pearl Johnson, Wilbert Schnabel, Aloys Burgad, Marin-Biel Insurance, Inc., Charles Keller, Sr., Brandee Hague, Pat Thorstenson, Adam Bohl, Wayne Lacher, Waldemar Beck, Adam Silbernagel, Tim Feist, Donna Heisler, Ken's A/B Sales, Inc., Joe Jung, Annette Schuetzle, Henry Dockter, Rick's Cafe, Brad Stabler, McClellan-Swanson Dental Office, Clyde Wetzel, Elaine Kanable, Connie Schlepp, Sally Schlepp and James Henry.

R-CALF USA (Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund, United Stockgrowers of America) represents thousands of U.S. cattle producers on domestic and international trade and marketing issues. R-CALF USA, a national, non-profit organization, is dedicated to ensuring the continued profitability and viability of the U.S. cattle industry. R-CALF USA's membership consists primarily of cow-calf operators, cattle backgrounders, and feedlot owners. Its members – over 13,000 strong – are located in 45 states, and the organization has over 57 local and state association affiliates, from both cattle and farm organizations. Various main street businesses are associate members of R-CALF USA. For more information, visit www.r-calfusa.com or, call 406-252-2516.
R-Calf said:
Good for them, $40,000 will go a long way to put the hurtin on the Canuckadans again.

All you care about is hurting us at all cost even if it means destroying yourself. You are a joke and a danger to all hard working honest ranchers everywhere.

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