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A catty situation

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Jul 27, 2005
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WINNIPEG, Manitoba (Reuters) -- Canada's postal system has stopped delivering mail to a home in Winnipeg, Manitoba, after a mail carrier was scared away by a "very threatening cat," the Winnipeg Free Press said Friday.

A Canada Post spokeswoman said the agency was concerned about the safety of its carriers, although it hoped for an amicable solution to its dispute with cat-owner John Samborski.

"The letter carrier who delivers mail there ... was brought up on a farm, she is very comfortable with animals," spokeswoman Kathi Neal told the newspaper. "Apparently this is a very threatening cat."

Samborski told the paper that his 8-year-old, declawed, black cat Shadow is docile, and it was "ridiculous" for Canada Post to make him to pick up his mail from a post office instead of delivering it to his door.

Shadow "likes to eat and sleep and cuddle. You could drop a bomb and he'd just open one eye, take a look, then close them and go back to sleep," Samborski, 41, told the newspaper.
I wonder if he is as 'docile' as my friend's manx, who stalks and attacks her while she is vacuuming? :shock: I'd never heard of a cat who attacks until I heard about hers. She got it declawed after it pounced on her back and scratched the heck out of her.
I don't like cats.

When I was first dating my wife, one of her four cats ran under the coffee table and bit me on the toe. Of course the knee-jerk reaction was to see how far kitty could fly, but the restraint of wanting to make a good impression overcame instinct, and I managed to withdraw with as much machismo as one can under those circumstance.

We've been married four years now as of yesterday. I'm happy to say my toe didn't fall off and we haven't had a cat for three years. We managed to give them all away. :p
My sister's neighbour had a cat that they had to keep tied up when it was outside or it would run out and bite people walking on the sidewalk in front of their place. :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:
My Mother in law had a cat that would attack you. They were gone on vacation one time and I got volunteered to go gather the mail up and put it in the house, and feed n water the cat. This cat was evil from day 1. Hissed and puffed up at me when it was a itty bitty thang. We owned the brother to her and he was dumb as a box of rocks but his bein sweet made up for bein dumb. anyway, I went in to feed and such one day, in a hurry, dropped the mail....dumped the food.....filled the water bowl and headed for the front door...halfway thru the livin room that cat pounced on me...right in the middle of my back........Did you know cats can fly?......not long distances...but they can fly.
The cat lived to be 17 years old......and was just as mean the day she died as the day she was born. Uhggggggg one of those that'll make ya hate cats for sure.
the_jersey_lilly_2000 said:
My Mother in law had a cat that would attack you. They were gone on vacation one time and I got volunteered to go gather the mail up and put it in the house, and feed n water the cat. This cat was evil from day 1. Hissed and puffed up at me when it was a itty bitty thang. We owned the brother to her and he was dumb as a box of rocks but his bein sweet made up for bein dumb. anyway, I went in to feed and such one day, in a hurry, dropped the mail....dumped the food.....filled the water bowl and headed for the front door...halfway thru the livin room that cat pounced on me...right in the middle of my back........Did you know cats can fly?......not long distances...but they can fly.
The cat lived to be 17 years old......and was just as mean the day she died as the day she was born. Uhggggggg one of those that'll make ya hate cats for sure.

If one of em ever pounches on my back........I can guarantee you cats can fly, and not for short distances either................good luck

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