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A wee bit of rainfall

Have had nearly two weeks now without rain. Days are clear and sunny, some warmer than others.
This morning it is 24* F, with 95% humidity. Everything is white with frost. Rain is supposed to start coming
back in a couple days, with the snow level is dropping to around 2500 feet. So it is going to be staying cold.
Pretty frosty here lately. This morning it was 9. Frost on the windshield of the feed truck didn't want to scrape off. I had to leave it idling until it warmed up enough for the defroster to thaw out the window.
I still haven't put the long handles on this winter. Be nice to make it through the winter without them.
The grass here doesn't due to well with steady night time freezing. The areas the cows have not been on are staying green and
growing in very small increment during the day. Any pastures around here that have been trimmed to the ground are turning brown.
It has warmed up, getting some rain again. And nothing, not even a Ground Hog is going to
see their shadow here today.

It started snowing when I was feeding this morning at 7:00. When we got home at 2:00 after church and our weekly grocery shopping it was still snowing. Stopped by 3:00. The house sits at 2,700 feet elevation. I am putting the snow level at 2,750. I couldn't decide which picture to use so I posted both of them.

It started snowing when I was feeding this morning at 7:00. When we got home at 2:00 after church and our weekly grocery shopping it was still snowing. Stopped by 3:00. The house sits at 2,700 feet elevation. I am putting the snow level at 2,750. I couldn't decide which picture to use so I posted both of them.

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Think your snow level will drop tonight ?

Snow level might get down to around 300' here on Tuesday. I'm at 70 ft., the cows are at 100ft. So it should just be cold
without any white stuff.
-40 this morning, and turned into a nice crisp sunny -25C this afternoon. But I stayed inside after chores anyway. Supposed to get cold tonight and tomorrow night.
Looking at that second picture I realized it shows something very well. That little hill right behind the house is where the fire stopped and turned. Everything behind that is black for 30 miles or more. Well it is black under the white.
-40 this morning, and turned into a nice crisp sunny -25C this afternoon. But I stayed inside after chores anyway. Supposed to get cold tonight and tomorrow night.
I have a hard time imagining that type of cold. Do remember one winter there was some really cold weather here, had to wade into the creek and get a calf out, my pant legs froze stiff on the walk back to the house. Also learned one winter while lambing sheep that at temperatures below 16* F lambs can freeze to death.
That was too darn close! Wow, you are blessed that it didn't get your buildings.
There was 3 fire tucks parked around the house. They never sprayed a single drop of water. I learned the next day that there was a lot of people praying for us that night. We have had a lot of people say things about how scary that must have been. But neither the wife or I were scared. Both stayed busy but felt at peace.
Maybe the hills will stay white all winter, and come spring when the snow begins to melt they will magically turn green. :)
I just reread this. There is no "maybe" to the hills staying white all winter. The top of the big hill behind the house is 4,700 feet. That is higher than most of the mountain passes in the cascades. There will still be snow up there in April.

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