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Bob Moreland's testimony and "sermon in a nutshell&quot

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Feb 11, 2005
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northern Nebraska Sandhills
Bob Moreland's testimony and "sermon in a nutshell"—his funeral was September 2, 2014 at the Gordon Methodist Church in Gordon, Nebraska. The service included this letter from Bob to friends who both had some health issues this summer, and his letter is dated July 16, 2014.

Dear Greg and Jolee,

You both are in our prayers! We are happy that Jolee is over the hump and about ready to come home.

As you may remember, I had my aortic valve replaced in July of 1995. When I had my annual physical that year, Dr. Hutchins asked if I ever had chest pains. I almost told him no, but then remembered a few times while exercising by walking to the culvert by the Pruden Place and back, a distance of two miles, that I had experienced a slight pain on the left side of my chest. It hadn't happened recently, but for precautionary purpose he put me on a tread mill. His face grew white, and he stopped it immediately. He considered it an emergency and headed me for Rapid City to see Dr. Vaughn Whitley. She wanted to operate yet that day, but surgeons were busy for the next couple days. She wanted me to stay in Rapid while waiting. I had had enough city life by then, so she allowed me to go home if I promised not to lift anything weighing more than 10 pounds. I was operated on Monday morning.

The operation was very successful. They gave me options on which to select, the pig valve which would need to be replaced in the next 8 or 1O years, or a mechanical valve which would require a daily dose of coumadin from here on. I am glad I took the mechanical valve in that I have never had another heart problem these past 19 years!

Greg, I feel that I should tell you how much and how often I think about and tell others about you inviting me to the Thanksgiving dinner at your Berean Church, and you introducing me to the two Jacks, Abbott and Simmons. It was a short time after Elaine had passed away. They both took a personal interest in me and the fact that I had never had an actual "born again experience." Jack Abbott accepted my invitation to eat with me at the Merriman Senior Center one day. At the time I was in the process of publishing one of my books, and needed to go to Martin that afternoon. He rode up with me and then out to the ranch, where the subject came up on being born again. Jack asked me about my spiritual life. I told him that trying to follow the Golden Rule and the Ten Commandments were my guidelines, along with abiding by the Constitution and staying within the radius of our legal system. Jack had a twinkle in his eye and stated with a grin on his face, "You aren't always legal. I glanced down at your speedometer once this afternoon, and you were traveling 80 in a 65 mile per hour zone."

Between him and Jack Simmons, with whom I had a private Bible Study every Wednesday for nearly a year, I was thoroughly convinced that Jesus died for my sins and that being born again and having a personal relationship with Him were very essential in inheriting eternal life.

About that time I invited Bill and Jeannie Hines out for dinner after Bill, in the absence of Tom and Karen, preached at Eli one Sunday morning. He struck a key note of some kind that got me in a prime condition. After we had eaten, Jeanie volunteered to clear off the table and put dishes in the dishwasher, telling Bill and me to visit. Being Born Again was the topic of conversation. Bill opened his wallet and took out a greenback displaying the face of Andrew Jackson. He asked me my reaction should someone offer me a 20 dollar bill. I told him I probably wouldn't accept it thinking there were undoubtedly strings attached. He handed me the money and said, "No Strings!" He likened it to God's Salvation. It is free. All you need to do is to accept it! He then called Jeanie to come join us. They both laid hands on me and prayed, and I know now that I am a "Born Again Righteous Christian" filled with God's Grace!

You mentioned when you introduced me to your minister and to your Sunday school teacher, both of them named Jack, which also was my dad's name (three of my all- time favorite people), that you considered me in the role of a mentor. I will say that I was highly complimented by that statement.

Your surgery should have taken place yesterday. We have faith and full confidence that it went well, and that it will be successfully keeping you in good health for many years to come!

Love and Prayers to you both!

Arliss and Bob
What a friend we have in Jesus. Our loss here is so much easier to bear knowing it is a "see ya Later" rather than "Good bye."
That's a good testimony to the fact that we are never too old to become a Christian as long as we do it before we take that last breath. Thanks for sharing the letter with us. Prayers for your family at this time. RBT

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