AGN said:
I have a herd of 60 cows. Synced 50 to time breed. Expect 50% conception. Bull to be turned out in a week. He will have to breed 25 that will be cycling tight together (ones that didnt stick from timed breeding) and 10 that were not synced. He is a 3 yr old that i would normally be comfortable with a 40:1 ratio. Is this too much for 1 bull? Thoughts.....opinions....
You are asking a lot of one bull! :shock: I've seen older bulls handle 60 head-- but not synched to all come in at the same time... Since you are synching- I take it you would like to get as many calved out as possible at the same time-- so if it was me- I'd stick a couple more bulls in there and hope for a higher than 50%... I'm afraid with one bull you may get some from the synched time- but a long strung out calving period after that...
But I'm kind of a pessimist about doing any synchronizing or playing with natural cycles- I think sometimes it screws up some good heifers/cows cycling...