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Douglas Spalthoff, Germany/Brazil

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Active member
May 26, 2023
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I'm German
Hobby researcher, live in Germany, have relatives in the USA. I am researching about 30 years of cattle mutilation in USA and Argentina. I registered in this forum to break my research, because there are connections that many do not know. I hope that there is interest in this, I will be happy to answer any questions.
Greetings currently in Brazil DOUGLAS SPALTHOFF
I'm German
Hobby researcher, live in Germany, have relatives in the USA. I am researching about 30 years of cattle mutilation in USA and Argentina. I registered in this forum to break my research, because there are connections that many do not know. I hope that there is interest in this, I will be happy to answer any questions.
Greetings currently in Brazil DOUGLAS SPALTHOFF

Bump for Fasterhorses. :cool:

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