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Girls Are Fun

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Northern Rancher

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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Emily tried out for AAA hockey this weekend in LLoydminister-her teammate from this winter just dominated the camp-this girl could serriouisly be national team material. They ended up on opposite teams for the evaluation scrimmage and played each other hard At the end after the coaches talk they got a letter telling them if they'd been cut or not. They aren't allowed to open it in the rink so Ems and I went for lunch and she made it. When we went back to the rink for team meetings the same girls that had been lumping it up were hugging each other lol. I don't remember Tyler ever doing that. Going to be a fun spring-have a big tournament in Calgary this month-guess we'll see how she compares to the rest.
Good going! Another milestone for Emily.

Our son's girlfriend proudly told us that she got the R.O.Y. award on the Carleton University women's hockey team. Shared it with a forward who happens to be her best friend. Just happened to ace all of her academics as well . . . whoa!

Girls might be fun but they can be tough as well!! :D
That teammate of Emily's is a power forward-she cracked me up this winter-she told me she likes to smoosh boys on the forecheck. I've never been asrtpound high level girls hockey much sothis will be a learning experience for me too-her first tourney is in Lloyd next wekend-garanteed five games in two days-the coaches seem like really good hockey men so it should be a fun time for all. You better tell yoiur son to keep his stick on the ice and hang onto that girlfriend lol.
Congrats to Emily! Happy belated Easter Cory to you and yours, and everyone else that reads this. one month to go and it is time to head back to Alaska and knock down some big Ol ornry brown bears. Later, Shawn
Northern Rancher said:
That teammate of Emily's is a power forward-she cracked me up this winter-she told me she likes to smoosh boys on the forecheck. I've never been asrtpound high level girls hockey much sothis will be a learning experience for me too-her first tourney is in Lloyd next wekend-garanteed five games in two days-the coaches seem like really good hockey men so it should be a fun time for all. You better tell yoiur son to keep his stick on the ice and hang onto that girlfriend lol.

You are right about him keeping his stick on the ice - she picked him up and carried him across the kitchen yesterday to help with the dishes after dinner . . . he's about 5' 11", 185lbs :!: :shock: :lol: :lol:
Emily had her first tournament this weekend-they haven't practiced yet so didn't know what to expect. The trip to LLoydminister was something in the heart of the storm-our travelling partners left Ile La Crosse at 4'00 A:M and we got into Lloyd at 11'00. We played Red Deer first and won 8-2. The next game was the Canadian Wolves and we lost 5-2. Saturday A'M we played our Sask. Rivals Sask. Can and we tied us 2-2-scored with 2 seconds left in the first and one minute left in the game so we let that one slip away. Our next game was the Calgary Evolution '98's and we beat them 10-1. We played the Evolution '97's last night and tied 6-6. We ended up playing the 98's this A'M in the bronze medal game and what a game-it was 1-1 after regulation-the girls played a period of OT and stayed tied-they finally beat us after the 8th round of shootout. I don't get to be a fan very often-not sure I can handle it. The girls are well coached -I'm real;ly looking forward to the rest of the season.
Was your blood pressure elevated?
Sounds like a blast. Sounds like the girls played well. They probably could have beat those Flames :cry: :cry: :oops: :lol: :lol:
It was a fun weekend-there was a AAA Bantam girls tournament too-alot of talent out there-had fun working the penalty box-heard a few 'OMG's I can't believe I got a penalty for that'-I mispronounced one girls name and she corrected me I told her to get another penalty I'd get it right-she replied hoew about I score a goal and she did lol.

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