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Had a sale...

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Well-known member
Feb 22, 2008
Reaction score
west chilcotin bc
Getting a new hip this coming Tuesday so we downsized a bit for next springs calving. 282 cows were sorted for color and breeding dates and age. Most were due April 10 to May 15, some May 15 to June 15 and a few after mid June Sale average was $2079, far exceeded our expectations for what we sent.
These are a sample of the cows that left.
You both can come give us a hand while you are land shopping....
LOL! That shopping is not starting for a couple of months. Otherwise I would be there in a heartbeat. Take care and if you are truly that short handed I can take a month off and come and help. Let me know. Just need someone to let me know what needs to be done.
LOL! That shopping is not starting for a couple of months. Otherwise I would be there in a heartbeat. Take care and if you are truly that short handed I can take a month off and come and help. Let me know. Just need someone to let me know what needs to be done.
Lucky you!! I bet you would really enjoy it.

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