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Happy Birthday FH!!

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Happy Birthday :)

Thank you all!
We were camping in the Big Horns for a few days without cell service, so I just saw this.

BMR, we did go out for supper, compliments of Mr. FH cousin. Some young people from MN came in to eat, there were 7 or 8 of them; they work for a dude ranch nearby. They sat down and not 1 of them took off their hats to eat. They made quite a bit of noise, too.
They were having fun. Surprisingly, the waitress brought out a piece of pie for me with a candle on top (just one, the pie couldn't handle the amount of candles needed to tell my age) 🤣. Anyway all those young people sang Happy Birthday to me! 🎶It was surprising and fun. This was at South Fork Restaurant on Hwy 16 going up the Big Horn Mountains. The meal was delicious (great rib steaks) and I have to say, that was about the best restaurant pie I have ever had. If you go that way, be sure to stop for steak and pie!!!

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