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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
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Cabin Creek, Carlile,Wyoming
8.6 miles one way,11cattle guards, 2 miles just MAG this morning. country road the rest county road and ranch 2 track. and 6 big rounds per trip. Like eating and elephant, it just one bite at a time.
hauling hay from up left creek this week and probably next. The place sits just west of the Missouri Buttes. The road up there you see the top of devil's tower. The County roads ends at the ranch We are getting hay from. two tracks thru the hay fields, meadows, pastures and then more hay fields up on top in the junipers and pines. What a view, long valley between the divides, the one on the west pines the one on the east rolling hay fields and pastures. Just 11 cattle guards, 2 different county roads and just 8 miles from our ranch. West, rolling hay fields to the east county roads and just 8 miles from our ranch. Not many people get to see this view, and just to the east a few miles 500,000 people visit every year.

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