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Yeap sometimes no matter what you do ya come up with the short end of the stick. But you know in this business you just hafta look at it like this,
Ya done what ya could. Somethin just wasn't right to start with. The good lord has his ways of takin care of things like that.
It's hard to deal with sometimes, but ya pick up n move on n do yer best to learn something from the experience.
We're having a private auction this year. Much cheaper and get better prices.
You are welcome to put yours in too. Is on Nov. 4.
Thanks Mike and ALabama.........we are going to just watch her and see how she does. Like I said right after she had the calf she got up and moved around some. I know that we have done all we can, so right now we will just keep her fed and watered and try to keep her from becoming to the point that she can't get up.
I'm not sure when we are suppose to load and go back to the stockyard. I know that we've probably got 30-40 calves that need to go, just a matter of getting time to load them.
If we make it, definetly will look u up.
Well, after all the hard work thought we had her up and moving, apparently she had internal bleeding and subcummed to it Sat afternoon. So once again I thank all of you who have reposnded to this post.

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