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Hesston Buckles

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Big Muddy rancher

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
Big Muddy valley
Since we don't have a Hesston dealers close by I was wondering if anybody knew if they still made NFR belt buckles.

I am wondering if there would be a 2011 Kids version of the buckles still kicking around if they even still make them.

Thanks Jody. :D

I found another site and it looks like they are still making them. :D

With no Hesston dealer around I lost track wether they were still around.
Does anyone have the 83' youth buckle with the belt? I have a collection of buckles have 74 thru 2010 Hesston buckles and a set of youth buckles but not the 83'. Sorry Bmr not trying to steal your thread.
tenbach79 said:
Does anyone have the 83' youth buckle with the belt? I have a collection of buckles have 74 thru 2010 Hesston buckles and a set of youth buckles but not the 83'. Sorry Bmr not trying to steal your thread.


Think i am ordering a 2011 youth for the G'son.

Those 74 buckles are worth some money. Probably the most collectible buck made.

I have a few buckles but both our Hesston dealers north and south have GOB :?
I've stopped at that store in Estes park they have a ton of buckles. Good people and reasonable on their prices. I bought my set when I was 10 years old, the lady that had them sold them to me minus the 74' buckles for $500. I made a payment every week for a couple months to pay for it. Then bought the 74' 5 years later for $500.
Tenbach, I don't have the 83 youth but I have the 84 and 86 youth I would trade you for your authenic 74! :lol:
Tenbach would you happen to know or could you check for me on what width of belt does the youth buckle fit?
Wanting to too; a belt for the grandson and I have the 2011 youth buckle coming for him. :D

When I tease him he says "I cowboy". :D
Big Muddy rancher said:
Tenbach would you happen to know or could you check for me on what width of belt does the youth buckle fit?
Wanting to too; a belt for the grandson and I have the 2011 youth buckle coming for him. :D

When I tease him he says "I cowboy". :D

Dick Quilt was a native guy that cowboyed for most of the big ranches on the Fraser at one time or another.

He was standing in the way, drunk, in front of the bucking chutes at the Big Creek rodeo about 1984 when the chute boss told him to get the h3ll out of the way or he would get hurt.

Dick looked at the chute boss real serious and said, "You can't talk to me like that, I'm Gang Ranch cowboy!"

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