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Highest Beef Prices in the World


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
Montgomery, Al
USMEF: Beef Prices In South Korea Now World's Highest

One-hundred-dollar steaks and gold flaked chocolates once symbolized both the luxury and expense of urban life in Japan, but the U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF) now calculates that South Korea has supplanted Japan as the country with the highest average beef prices in the world.

A strong currency and high import duties have coupled to create the distinction, but the continued absence of U.S. beef, which once accounted for half of total beef consumption in Korea, has kept the total market undersupplied and prices to consumers high.

"It's a dubious honor," said Phil Seng, USMEF president and CEO. "South Korean consumers are now paying the highest prices for average quality beef, in part because of overly strict import policies toward safe U.S. beef. At current exchange rates, reasonably priced kalbi and bulgoggi meals are no longer within the reach of all Koreans."

USMEF calculated recent U.S. dollar equivalent prices of two common grain-fed beef items in Seoul and Tokyo markets: Australian short fed chilled rib-eye roll and domestic average quality beef "loin" (Hanwoo and Wagyu A2 grade). At the wholesale level, prices of Australian beef in Seoul and Tokyo were US $20.63 per kilogram (kg) and US $18.30 per kg, respectively.

For domestic Hanwoo and Wagyu A2 loin of equivalent quality wholesale prices were US $26.05 per kg and US $23.83 per kg. In large supermarket chains, Seoulconsumers are paying on average of US $31 per pound for sliced chuck roll while Japanese shoppers can buy equivalent product for $21 per pound.

Korea and Japan maintain high import duties of 40 percent and 38.5 percent respectively on beef imports. But with Japanese imports of U.S. beef running at just 1.4 percent of the pace of 2003 shipments because of shortages of eligible U.S. age-verified cattle, and Korea effectively shut down to U.S. beef imports, the lack of alternative supplies has lead to beef 'stagflation,' whereby high prices dampen consumption.

USMEF estimates that beef consumption in Japan and Korea for 2006 will be 794,000 metric tons (mt) and 305,000 mt respectively, down from 936,000 mt and 390,000 mt in 2003.

The U.S. Meat Export Federation is the trade association responsible for developing international markets for the U.S. red meat industry and is funded by USDA, exporting companies, and the beef, pork, lamb, corn, sorghum and soybean checkoff programs
But with Japanese imports of U.S. beef running at just 1.4 percent of the pace of 2003 shipments because of shortages of eligible U.S. age-verified cattle

Can't they get age verified in Montana, where they have an unsurpassed brand and record keeping system?
Murgen said:
But with Japanese imports of U.S. beef running at just 1.4 percent of the pace of 2003 shipments because of shortages of eligible U.S. age-verified cattle

Can't they get age verified in Montana, where they have an unsurpassed brand and record keeping system?

Both steers are spoken for Murgen :lol: :lol:
Murgen said:
But with Japanese imports of U.S. beef running at just 1.4 percent of the pace of 2003 shipments because of shortages of eligible U.S. age-verified cattle

Can't they get age verified in Montana, where they have an unsurpassed brand and record keeping system?

What does the ability to track an animal via the brand have to do with age verification?

I thought you guys had a wonderous verification system. Why aren't you shipping East instead of South?
What does the ability to track an animal via the brand have to do with age verification?

I think I mentioned both the brand and record keeping systems!! :???:

These have been mentioned many times by OT as a combination of tracking that is far superior to any tagging system.
Murgen said:
What does the ability to track an animal via the brand have to do with age verification?

I think I mentioned both the brand and record keeping systems!! :???:

These have been mentioned many times by OT as a combination of tracking that is far superior to any tagging system.

I think there's a difference between tracking for health and verifying age. Not to poke you too hard (OK, maybe a little) I don't see why you're hammering us on verification. Judging by your export numbers to Japan, you're not getting much out of your program.
Murgen said:
But with Japanese imports of U.S. beef running at just 1.4 percent of the pace of 2003 shipments because of shortages of eligible U.S. age-verified cattle

Can't they get age verified in Montana, where they have an unsurpassed brand and record keeping system?

Murgen-- Do you actually believe the statments coming out of the USMEF anymore than you do those from the USDA :???:

Especially when they are both lobbying against and fighting Creekstone etal against BSE testing (which is what the Japanese actually want) and they are trying to get the Japanese government to raise the 20 month age....
Sandhusker said:
Murgen said:
But with Japanese imports of U.S. beef running at just 1.4 percent of the pace of 2003 shipments because of shortages of eligible U.S. age-verified cattle

Can't they get age verified in Montana, where they have an unsurpassed brand and record keeping system?

What does the ability to track an animal via the brand have to do with age verification?

I thought you guys had a wonderous verification system. Why aren't you shipping East instead of South?

:lol: :lol: :lol: EXACTLY!
Bill said:
Sandhusker said:
Murgen said:
Can't they get age verified in Montana, where they have an unsurpassed brand and record keeping system?

What does the ability to track an animal via the brand have to do with age verification?

I thought you guys had a wonderous verification system. Why aren't you shipping East instead of South?

:lol: :lol: :lol: EXACTLY!

Tracking via a brand is a health issue. Age verification is a market issue. One belongs to the government. The other doesn't.
ocm said:
Bill said:
Sandhusker said:
What does the ability to track an animal via the brand have to do with age verification?

I thought you guys had a wonderous verification system. Why aren't you shipping East instead of South?

:lol: :lol: :lol: EXACTLY!

Tracking via a brand is a health issue. Age verification is a market issue. One belongs to the government. The other doesn't.
:lol: :lol: :lol: Good one but not according to R-Klan!

Have you missed R-Klans claims that those "dangerous" Canadian OTMs need to be kept out of the US because of HEALTH ISSUES or are you now telling us that age verification is suddenly a market issue? Which way are you spinning it this time?
Sandhusker said:
Bill, you don't have to drink that jug you got for Christmas all in one day - it keeps pretty good.

Resorting to one of the E-Klowns favorite tactics once again HUH Sandhusker? It seems like whenever the circus performers can't defend something they write out comes the accusations and personal attacks. :roll:

Pathetically perdictable.
Bill said:
Sandhusker said:
Bill, you don't have to drink that jug you got for Christmas all in one day - it keeps pretty good.

Resorting to one of the E-Klowns favorite tactics once again HUH Sandhusker? It seems like whenever the circus performers can't defend something they write out comes the accusations and personal attacks. :roll:

Pathetically perdictable.

Bill, you confuse tracabilty with age verification and then you further tangent out on the border. Either you've been drinking or you're very confused. At least one recovers shortly from drinking.
Bill said:
ocm said:
Bill said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: EXACTLY!

Tracking via a brand is a health issue. Age verification is a market issue. One belongs to the government. The other doesn't.
:lol: :lol: :lol: Good one but not according to R-Klan!

Have you missed R-Klans claims that those "dangerous" Canadian OTMs need to be kept out of the US because of HEALTH ISSUES or are you now telling us that age verification is suddenly a market issue? Which way are you spinning it this time?

The context of our discussion was EXPORTS, not IMPORTS.

Requiring it on imports can very well be a health issue, but on exports its a marketing issue.

Individuals in Canada can decide to age verify in order to export. The government doesn't need to be involved. Unfortunately it is.

Hey, by the way I saw a load of Canadian steers on a truck bound for slaughter. I have a question. How do you get them to grow such long tails so quickly?
ocm said:
Bill said:
ocm said:
Tracking via a brand is a health issue. Age verification is a market issue. One belongs to the government. The other doesn't.
:lol: :lol: :lol: Good one but not according to R-Klan!

Have you missed R-Klans claims that those "dangerous" Canadian OTMs need to be kept out of the US because of HEALTH ISSUES or are you now telling us that age verification is suddenly a market issue? Which way are you spinning it this time?

The context of our discussion was EXPORTS, not IMPORTS.

Requiring it on imports can very well be a health issue, but on exports its a marketing issue.

Individuals in Canada can decide to age verify in order to export. The government doesn't need to be involved. Unfortunately it is.

Hey, by the way I saw a load of Canadian steers on a truck bound for slaughter. I have a question. How do you get them to grow such long tails so quickly?

Are you sure you have the import and export thing figured out ocm?

So that's how R-Klanners think age verificaton works in the US? You measure the length of the tail?!!! :roll:

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