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I blew it

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Big Muddy rancher

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
Big Muddy valley
The last original belt on my old 664 NH baler broke tonight at 15,500 bales. :D

I wondered about "Endless" belts when I bought it but they lasted pretty darn good. :D Lots of rotations on many different crops and not much of it idea hay.
Big Muddy rancher said:
The last original belt on my old 664 NH baler broke tonight at 15,500 bales. :D

I wondered about "Endless" belts when I bought it but they lasted pretty darn good. :D Lots of rotations on many different crops and not much of it idea hay.
nh belts last better I think because the bale doesn't solely ride on belts.
It pays to shop around when buying replacement belts. I have a NH BR780 and I broke a belt. Went to NH dealer to get a new one and they wanted $400 which I thought was a lot. Wound up going to a farm store and found one for $229....same exact belt. Looked on the internet and found them for $205 to $229 and they paid the freight. I bought the one at the farm store and it is working just fine.
My 568 has over 35000 bales on it and still all original belts. Although the tractor pulling it burned up today. Baler is ok but tractor is gonna need some work.

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