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In our local paper....HORRIBLE!!!!


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Jul 27, 2005
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Third slaughtered horse found Monday

By Kristen Mangum,
Friday, April 20, 2007 9:15 AM EDT

Local resident Alton Davidson kneels beside his dead thoroughbred horse, Red, whose throat was slit earlier this week by an unknown assailant. Red was the third horse Davidson has had killed in three months. He pleads with anyone with information about the slaughters to contact law enforcement. Staff/Kristen Mangum
This week marked the third time in about three months that local resident Alton Davidson came upon a gruesome discovery.

On Monday, he found his 14-year-old thoroughbred horse, Red, slaughtered - his neck slit from one end to the other.

"Someone had cut his neck and then reached in there and cut his wind pipe," an obviously upset Davidson says.

"He was like a big ole' baby and really belonged to my 15-year-old sister, Kayla," he says. "Red was her favorite. She couldn't believe anybody could do such a thing."

And neither could Davidson, who currently has about a dozen horses roaming the 35 to 40 acres of pasture on Chase Road where Red and two of Davidson's other horses have been viciously slaughtered since February.

What makes the situation even worse is that Davidson has "no clue, "no idea" who is responsible. Despite losing plenty of sleep over the situation he is, however, sure of one thing.

"They need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law," he says. "They're sick. There's no amount of money that could have bought any of those particular horses."

At the beginning of February, an 18-month-old colt, Zeus, was found with a cut along its belly, "its insides spewing out."

Then Davidson thought, perhaps, another animal was the culprit. Though saddened by the loss, he tried not to think much more of it.

But in March, Davidson's favorite animal, a 4-year-old registered black-and-white paint horse named Skipper Chubby Duster, was found with a cut on its left side leading down its belly.

"At that point, I think I knew something was going on, but I didn't want to accept that someone could do that," Davidson says in retrospect.

He believes all the slaughters have occurred at night.

Red, who "wasn't scared of anything" and the third horse found dead, was killed between 7 p.m. Sunday and 1 p.m. Monday.

A neighbor had last seen him standing in the pasture, lined with a barbed wire fence, around that time Sunday.

In addition to Davidson and his family, neighbors in the area also are unnerved by the recent events.

"They just can't stand the thought of somebody like that on the property," says Davidson, who wishes to thank the Sheriff's Office for its work and advice.

His six children, though, are probably taking the losses the hardest.

Ranging in ages from 6 to 15 years old, Davidson's children have been raised around horses, often helping nurse sickly ones back to health.

"My baby boy, he's 6, it makes him feel good that when [the horses] aren't 100 percent up to health, up to par, we get them back up to health," Davidson says. "It's just a good feeling. It's good to know you've brought them back to health."

He calls the recent slaughters "a shame," adding that the person responsible is "really hurting the kids and my sister."

"It's hard, just real hard."

Davidson, his family and friends want justice, fearing if the killer goes uncaught the horrendous slaughters will continue.

He thinks the horses, most of which are tame and loving, are being lured and petted by the killer before being slaughtered.

A reward is being offered for the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible.
there is a reward of $2500 leading to the arrest and conviction of the person/persons responsible

contact the sheriff department of Habersham County GA.
706 754 6666
I read this early this am and have had it on my mind all morning and I have a couple conclusions. One is that it is hard to make a deep cut on your first go with a scalpal(which would be the only thing sharp enough to make such a swift cut.) What I mean is how did they get that deep with the horse not jumping and kicking or running off. They said there where lots of horses there wouldn't you think that the horse they were cutting on would get away and not be easily caught again. And a cut deep enough to get guts takes some pressure, more then a scalpal could do with the speed required without breaking. If this is true I would say it was done by someone who had this well thought out and had knowlegde of vet. tools.
And to cut a horses throat would be no easy fet either, think about how hard it is to cut something that isn't pulled tight. I would question this story.
It's a VERY real story! Just this last week the guy has several dogs cut up in about the same way.

Now we're all wondering just who did this guy piss off! Don't know if the horses are insured...I doubt it as they are just grade horses.

Me, I'd have moved my horses out and been sitting in the pastures each and every day/nite....but he's done none of that.

Makes ya wonder!
It sure sounds like the amimals would have to be injected with something to put them out...or at least the one with the throat cut. It would take a lot of work and time to overpower a horse and cut his throat with a knife or small tools..
the ones with the intestine cuts could be made with a very sharp insterment attached to a handle and swung like an ax, or kizer blade or something.
The "sick" person that did this needs the same cure that the Horse got.!
I think there is a lot more to this story that has not been told yet!
and to think this didn't happen in KANSAS! KAKA posted her duck story claiming only people in kansas and arkansas would stoop to such low levels.

i think they raised the reward again that was origianaly reported in the local paper

who ever done it is one sick person no matter who or what the reason is,
memanpa said:
and to think this didn't happen in KANSAS! KAKA posted her duck story claiming only people in kansas and arkansas would stoop to such low levels.

i think they raised the reward again that was origianaly reported in the local paper

who ever done it is one sick person no matter who or what the reason is,

Or where they live...
i dont know if this is revelent or not, but my ex lived in s ga and had her stud horse attacked . his throat and back were slashed badly .they both found tracks and once saw a panther on the property.the game comm said they were nuts,no panthers in ga.5 yrs later fl fish and game admited that some of their radio collered cats,released in n fl traveled as far north as middle ga. sound like it could be a possibility.
Our wonderful Fins & Feathers have turned loose a few big cats back in the hills here near me to re-populate........ :mad: :mad: :mad:

But, where this guy lives is pretty populated, but who knows.
hi i am kayla i am 15 and a upcomeing 10th grader at hadersham central, red was my horse, i had him for about 3 years, he was the most loveing horse that i have ever owned. whoever done this to red is a vile human being. if anybody has any information on who done that please call. we recently found out that someone has been messing with another one of our horses, he is not hurt yet. if someone kills another one then i dont know what i will do. if u want to know more about red, me, or any other of out 12 horses emal me at [email protected] :cry:
Years ago in rural nebraska some cows were found with their throats slit and missing their udders and a few other parts. The local law seemed to think it was some kind of cult moving through.

When we found a calf of ours last fall split from the neck through the udders and out in the middle of the meadow it was a mystery to us. (The bunks were at one end.) Finally we came up with the theory that the feed bunk had a sharp edge and she ran into it and the full length of her. The next question was how she got in the middle of the meadow and some neighbor said with the fast speed she was going and then the little bit her body would keep going it could have happened like that.
CattleArmy said:
Years ago in rural nebraska some cows were found with their throats slit and missing their udders and a few other parts. The local law seemed to think it was some kind of cult moving through.

When we found a calf of ours last fall split from the neck through the udders and out in the middle of the meadow it was a mystery to us. (The bunks were at one end.) Finally we came up with the theory that the feed bunk had a sharp edge and she ran into it and the full length of her. The next question was how she got in the middle of the meadow and some neighbor said with the fast speed she was going and then the little bit her body would keep going it could have happened like that.

just wondering wouldnt there be blood from the feed bunk to where she was lying?

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