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Labeling of Lab Cultured Tissue

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Well-known member
Apr 5, 2007
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I don't honestly know what the future of this is, but have to wonder if consumers will even know what country the labs will be in, if it advances to that. Some big money is being invested. Suppose they know something.

The push to label lab-cultured tissue as meat has big money backing it. Corporations like Tyson Foods and Cargill have millions invested. To date, Tyson Foods has invested more than $57 million and Cargill has announced $72 million in funding.

Having only the faintest understanding of the phenomenally vast investments of real money into development of new products, especially food products, it looks like an amazingly costly endeavor, with equally high numbers of 'stumbling blocks' paving that street!

It is reassuring to see the level of interest in being involved in the regulation of those new products by many of the 'players' in food and agriculture circles already, at this early date in the game.


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