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sale day

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Big Muddy rancher

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
Big Muddy valley
Had a pretty good day at the sale but when do they ever sell for enough. :roll: :D

a 102 strs ave 634 at $116.50, 24 strs @534 at 125.50 and 44 light hfrs 510 at 105.50.
They were just carried through the winter and grown some. they were green enough to go forward on the grass.
Justin said:
if you're happy, i'm happy :D plus, now someone else has to feed them. :)

Your right on that. I figured close to $8,000 more feed to get to grass and then we were renting summer grass for them so with all the extras I figured I would lessen the stress for the summer. With all the turmoil in the economy and the Canadian dollar on the rise it was the comfortable move for me. :D
Looks great for where the market was and the dollar is. I'm with Justin, happy for you. :)
Your steers brought about 5 cents/lb higher than the tops in my local auction last week so I think you did well on the current market. Tough business weaning and wintering calves this long for less than $700 though :(
Makes you envious of the retailer that takes a gross margin of $1800 a head and owns them less than a week.
Good sale BMR. We sold ours the first of March based on moisture, price, feed supplies, etc.
You did well, and I agree with your assessment of the upcoming summer.

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