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Spring update #4 or whatever season we have

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Battle T

Active member
Feb 6, 2013
Reaction score
It looks like I will be feeding for another 3 weeks as we had snow again this weekend and this week will be cold. I am glad to have 3 months of feed left as many neighbors will be turning cows out onto brown short grass. I'm cleaning up the last of my silage bales, cows are pretty pick this time of the year so I'm wasting more than I would like. I'm already done first breeding cycle so I will not scimp on feed now.

This cow , a Sitz Alliance W model had a neat hairdo. she hit 11000$ in sales on her first 3 calves and has a dandy Pioneer hfr as a replacement

This is also a W model over 12000$on her first 3 calves, this years bull will add to that total. She is a thick broody LLB Free Wheeler(TC Freedom x Duralta Echo). She is a heavier birthweight cow but her sons really pound down the scale. Her calf at foot is by my Final Answer herdsire. I bred her to Pioneer this year.

Last one is a first calf Soo Line Yellowstone . Her first calf by EXAR upshot will be a keeper and I expect big things from her.

Battle T said:
Last one is a first calf Soo Line Yellowstone . Her first calf by EXAR upshot will be a keeper and I expect big things from her.

Nice looking heifer...
Really great looking cattle and those little guys are a husky bunch, You should be real proud of those cattle. They are so slick and shiny, I assume they lose their winter hair a little later. Mine are looking pretty ragged right now but in a while they will lose that winter hair and really slick up.
Red Barn Angus said:
, I assume they lose their winter hair a little later. Mine are looking pretty ragged right now but in a while they will lose that winter hair and really slick up.

This may be this first year on record that cows will go straight from losing winter hair and put it back on in a month, Only 6 months till winter!

This is a Final Answer Grdtr from a Sitz Allianace cow that will make the replacement pen

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