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took the week off

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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
Reaction score
Cabin Creek, Carlile,Wyoming
Sunday night at 10 my tummy bloated up like a blimp. Vomited and bowl movements till 12. Sue drove me to Gillette at 2, got there a little after 3. EKG , Morphine. Tuesday night my Pancreas was trying to digest itself. more morphine. by morning I passed a gull stone, not enough morphine to even damped the pain. High IVS, lung started get prickly, so IV Lasix, was peeing second nurse left the room. got things settle down took gull bladder out Friday got home noon today.
Those Gall bladders are nothing to mess with.
I had a stabbing pain below my shoulder blade early one morning. I was up and had the semi warming up to go haul a load of hay before the crew got here to gather hfrs to preg check. I googled this pain and it said heart attack. I woke Tammy and got her to drive me to hospital. The Doctor determined it wasn't my heart but sent my by ambulance to hospital in Regina. The ultra sound showed orange and red on my gall bladder. I laid on a bed in a alcove with a bathroom 5 doors down until Tuesday night stewing my gall bladder. They were even packing me in ice until they could get me in an operating room.
Ain't socialized medicine wonderful

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