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What color's Newman going to be?

Turkey Track Bar

Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
Reaction score
North Central SD, South Central ND
What's your guess on Newman's color??? He started out as another lighter colored Palamino ( :roll: ) but is turning into this....his Momma is my favorite mare. She's so creatively named "Roan" :lol: Since we've had Roan, she's had a Red Roan, a polka dotted Palamino, a buckskin, and now...Newman!


Newman being a big goof ball




This is the sire...he's a palamino, but very dark


Hunty and her crop out paint baby...I think he's a classy rascal

Sorry the pics aren't better. It was just about 100 here yesterday, and the flies are horrid.

In advance, thanks for any thoughts on Newman's color. We need to get the babies registered...


TTB :wink:
Awww Your babies are soo cute!!

Mom's guess is grey, my guess is a roany version of the sire. The sire to me looks more grey or Grulla, rather than a Palimino. But it could just be the picture.

Canadian_Cowgirl said:
Awww Your babies are soo cute!!

Mom's guess is grey my guess is red roan.

What is the sire, and does it have any appy blood in it?


Thanks Katy....we have 10 foals, I think. We have a mix of lots of colors...a sorrel, sorrel paint, bay, brown, several palaminos, and a buckskin....and whatever Newman is. :)

No, no App. QH on both sides of both stallion and mare as far back as you can go. As a matter of fact, "Newman" is double bred Sun Frost, and with that much Sun Frost, you'd think there would be disposition issues, but there aren't.

Neither of Roan's buckskin or roan progeny have spots. Her other palamino has spots...one of our horsemen neighbors calls them breed spots. They just give her more character...which she was full of prior to having them. None of "Yellow's" (the stallion) progeny with other mares have or have had spots.

Oh, I hope your Mom is right and he turns grey. That has been my wish...to have a grey foal. He really needs to go into our sale, and we really don't need another gelding around, but I bet I could put him to good use!


TTB :wink:
Love the name Newman!!

In that first pic....is that a chunk of meat missing on someone's shoulder area just in front of that mare's head? OUCH!!
Yes, that's a chuck of hide missing off of Winnie....my better guess is she messed with the wrong boss mare. Ouch! We put some dressing and fly spray on it, and she'll have to be good to go. Winnie is lazy ace's sister's retired breakaway horse and lives on a pedestal higher than most around here. We wish his sister would take her to her house!

While down taking pictures, another favorite of mine, Silly Filly, got double barrelled from one of the old boss mares (I think Silly's granddam.) I bet she's pretty sore today.

If you're gonna have a band of mares, you'll have scrapes, cuts, and scars on them.


TTB :wink:
Turkey Track Bar said:
If you're gonna have a band of mares, you'll have scrape, cuts, and scars on them.


TTB :wink:

Yep-- I always wondered how those Polygamists could survive their bands.... :wink: :lol: :P
I'm guessing he will be what John Johson, the pedigree man and banker, a smutty dun. Or smutty palamino.

Either way, it's a pretty color and not too common so it should make him worth more.

I'll swap you straight across for a real well bred, real nice filly. :D
Nice built colt...and he is a hard one to give a color name to, but I'm thinking maybe he'll grey out too, with the darker spots to give him that "my name is sue!!!" attitude..lol Nice pictures...
He's getting pretty dark on the hocks where he's changing color, so it will be interesting to see what color he does decide on. Keep us updated, please! Very nice horses; love the hip on Newman!
If I was making up application to send his papers in-- I'd go Palomino (Chocolate palomino) and send those pic's in with the application, so that if you had to make a change later they would understand...May end up being Buttermilk Palomino- but I think the spots indicate he will darken a little more ...

Definitely going to be a shiney little fellow with the chrome he has.....

I had one that I sold a few years ago as a yearling that was a chocolate palomino (not quite as dark as your stud)-- but then a year later turned into a dappled golden palomino- that turned almost white each winter....But the little gal that got her didn't care what color she was, she was such a sweety.....
Thanks everyone for the advice and complements...

Here is what Newman looked like on June 2...I took a pile of horse photos that day and haven't posted them because Photobucket hasn't been playing nice! It takes FOREVER to upload very many photos...


These two are of Blackie, our black mare (TB,) and her buckskin baby, Buck...



OT, I think you have the right idea about registering Newman as a chocolate palamino. I think that is actually what the Stallion, Yellow, is registered as...I'll suggest that to the elders here. Also, I wonder too about the polygamist colonies...maybe those gals are so scared that they don't dare fight back!

JB...I'd love to do a little horse trading, but the ponies aren't mine...they are the ranches, and I'm the lowest of low on the totem pole, so I have no say in anything! But, I'm going to make a hint to the decision maker (Grandma...if she's behind you, stuff gets done! :wink: :lol: :wink: )

Hope you all haven't melted today...106 here with humidity, and storms south of us.


TTB :wink:
Well I think daddy is actually a silver gened boy ( extremely rare!!!!) but I think sir newman is a chocolate pally :)

Turkey Track Bar said:
No, no App. QH on both sides of both stallion and mare as far back as you can go.

My friend, it doesn't matter what the bloodlines say, that colt has Appy blood somewhere down the line.

The App stud my Dad started with went back to the Old Sorrell on both sides, and he was the Reserve Grand Champion at the National Western in 1964, at Halter, after he had been campaigned in reining all over the midwest and south in '62 and '63.

You would be surprised how many foundation Quarter Horses were double registered Appaloosa as well. When Grandad bought Norell's Little Red in 1955 from Dewey Norell, he hauled him back to Louisiana and got him App registered as well, and had his name changed to Cooterville, Norell's Little Red. Red sired or was a grandsire of
MANY National and World Champions in the Appy world.

You may not like to hear this, but I think your colt will be a dark or chocolate roan up front, but will really be light in the rear, and those spots will loom u[ like an outhouse in a fog. That is the problem with these breed registries. They penalize a man for waiting to register his horses, but many times you have no idea what color they will turn out to be. You end up with a horse that doesn't match the papers. However, this has been a boon to many horse jockey's on the sale circuit. With a briefcase containing over 100 sets of papers, they can surely find some papers to fit.

You have some nice horseflesh. Don't feel bad that some genetics caught up with that colt.
Judith and Jigger Boss...

Well, embarrassingly, we'd never heard of such a thing..."Silver," but when looking at those photos, they are dead on to our Stallion. He does lighten up a little in the winter.

The temperature dropped about 35 degrees over night. Maybe we can catch the 'ol man and get a better photo of him today. Not, that he is uncatchable or mean, I meant maybe we'll get a minute to do it today. :oops: We ride him fairly often out of the breeding season.

OK, I'm being lazy now, 'cause I could look it up myself, but you guys are so up on stuff, I'll ask you :lol: is the test for the "Silver Gene" blood or hair, and which lab in the states would you send it? The same lab you send the HYPP stuff?

Loomix....it wouldn't bother me if there were App...I can say with a high level (99+%) certainty on the Stallion side that there isn't any App., but on Roan's (the mare) side, I guess there could be. We bought her. I don't have her pedigree in front of us. As you can see we aren't breed picky around here....we have a TB and now a crop out Paint....who I think is pretty snazzy. As long as they have a decent disposition and conformation, have some speed and cow sense, they're welcome to stay.


TTB :wink:
As well put together as that little guy is, color will be pretty insignificant, especially if the disposition is good....

Funny how if we let them just be horses for awhile a lot of the disposition stuff turns out ok.....

I have a Gelding that started out Grulla, went Dun the next year and is now a grey........The guy whose Stud I used had a lot of that going on in his herd,


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