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Wildlife Awards

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Northern Rancher

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
They had our local wildlife awards last night and we did pretty good. I was chemo'ed out and couldn't go but Sara won top junior whitetail and I won top muledeer-Ty would of won top whitetail iof he was better at fliipping a coin lol.
If you belong to the Sask. Wildlife Federation -the local chapters have a wildlife awards night and supper-it's mostly a fundraiser for conservation stuff they do. If that bothers some of you with a more delicate persuasion so be it. Some people's kids!!!
Northern Rancher said:
If you belong to the Sask. Wildlife Federation -the local chapters have a wildlife awards night and supper-it's mostly a fundraiser for conservation stuff they do. If that bothers some of you with a more delicate persuasion so be it. Some people's kids!!!

i wasn't tryin' to jack with ya, just curious. sounds like a neat idea.

i wouldn't mind seeing some more pictures........ :wink:
fewfolks think i'm the devil incarnate for hunting with my kids lol.
Naaahhhh I really dont think anyone HERE thinks that of you. I am sure some in the world think it but I would rather you hunt with your kids and TEACH them proper gun saftey and handling then teaching them to be a vegan.
Yeah we want to see the prize winning pics again

ppsstt NR I just think yout the devil straight out :twisted: :wink: :p :lol:
Come on NR lets see those Canadian Monsters. I really don't care what anyone else thinks. You post some pictures of you and your kids and I'll post some of my wife and kids. Our daughter Rylie is three, she hasn't missed a deer season yet and James enjoyed his first deer season at 9 months. Let's have'm dang it.
Our wildlife awards were just recently too, In one of the two fedferations we belong to, I won Youth Typical Mule Deer, and in the other one a friend of mine got a plaque for a nice non typical whitie he shot- I think the score was 159 or there abouts
Northern Rancher said:
Flying S I posted somepicson here earliar but there are a fewfolks think i'm the devil incarnate for hunting with my kids lol.

I missed the post about someone knocking hunting with kids, I guess I am doing it all wrong! I guess we should buy them a x-box. Families that slay together stay together! How ya feeling? Shawn

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