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Workin pictures

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So where do you plug in your laptop in that cowcamp?? :lol: :lol: :lol:

and what part of AZ is that? Had good friends from AZ and those cattle look alot like the cattle in their pics --tough cattle! Lots of pics of gathering maverick bulls --lots of the cowboy world that have never seen a puncher lead in a maverick bull he's track for days.
azcowpuncher said:
Thank you , i had a few people tell me that about that picture of me gettin ready to catch a calf but i have never done it .

Catch a calf, or frame the picture???? lol :wink: Just funnin' ya. Great photos by the way. I would like to see more.
Julie those pictures are near williams az thats the summer country and south of there is were it drops off and geys real rough , yeah there is alot of maverics all over Az . i have led lots myself i will scan some pics of me leadin a bull here as soon as i can find it . I am at the headquarters now so i have ben using the office computer . Who are your friends that live in az i am sure i know them
All I saw was the horns too Shelly! Only things with horns in this neck o the woods are Herf and they dont look as scary as those colorful cows :) Good looking critters though, but I think I would do a girly scream and high tail it out of there!
Judith said:
All I saw was the horns too Shelly! Only things with horns in this neck o the woods are Herf and they dont look as scary as those colorful cows :) Good looking critters though, but I think I would do a girly scream and high tail it out of there!

lol our neigbours, ahd long horns, and we have a horned Char!! Id love to be out there.....for a couple hours! :lol: Some of my family live in Az! but im not to sure where! :lol:
ya know i have ran heavy equipment and dove truck but i would rather be punchin cows i dont really like doin anything else . I like catchin shitty cattle , workin in the rain and the cold and makin lots of horse tracks .
hey az great pic's
but you know you go to hell for lying the as for stealin
it don't never rain in arizona!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just pokin fun lol!!!!!!!!!
until later
Great picture AZ. Keep 'm coming. More cowcatching! I have'nt talked to him in a few years but have you ever met a fellow that way named Monk Maxwell. He used to catch a lot of wild(remnant) cattle. Also do you use dogs? Thanks, Paul
It's nice to see pictures from other areas. Thank you for taking the time to post them.

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