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Branding Etiquette

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Well-known member
Aug 24, 2013
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Just curious how others handle things at brandings. Everyone likes to rope, no one wants to work the ground. I don't like it when I'm invited to brandings and the owner right off the bat is up in the saddle to rope. Just wondering if folks say switch when half the calves are done or the like. That's why I like a calf table, that way no one is having to much fun. But I use both. Just wondering how others go about it.
We use a calf table at home. I would think the owner shouldn't rope at all at his own branding if he has a competent crew. Different if there was only a couple that could rope.
The boss should designate jobs for each of the crew. If you haven't been assigned a "dignified" :roll: job, assume you are to wrassle calves. If you are an old guy sitting on the ground wrassling , the boss might take pity on you, give you a stick, and tell you to keep calves from coming out the gate. :) As a "boss," I have roped at my own branding, but usually just at the end if everyone else has already roped.

Another of my theories is that everyone that wants to rope should be given the chance. It seems unfair if only two or three ropers get to do it all. Many years ago, I went to a branding where there were over 400 calves, and 25 on the crew. Many of the crew were competent ropers, but just three men did all of the roping. Probably if the truth was known, they would have welcomed the chance to do something else. At the end of the branding and a good dinner, the one in charge said, "Thanks for coming; hope it will work for you to come again next year." I said, "I will if I can rope. If wrassling calves is all I get to do, I'd about as soon stay home and fence." The next year I did go back, and everyone that wanted to rope got to have their few minutes of fun. It was a great branding to go to all through the years after that, until we started branding our own with a small crew. I probably shouldn't have been so brutally honest, but many others had a chance to rope after that because of my outspokenness. :)
I never roped at our own brandings back when we drug calves to the fire. Would rope or be on the ground at the neighbors, whatever was needed most.

A lot simpler using a table and 3 people here now. calves are banded at birth so everyone gets a brand and blackleg vaccine. Steers are implanted and the odd horns never get missed. We don't even tip them.

We did 300 in 6 hours 10 days ago.
I have been around a couple tables and I am just am not impressed. On our own operation we just run em through the large chute and go on.
Alot of the brandings I've been at have been larger ranches that mostly just used their own crew. At one place I wrestled calves for four springs with the same partner.It was pretty good because we really got to know the job well. The same two older guys roped all the calves and the same fellow had branded almost all the calves for fourty years. You can bet they were consistent. :) The whole thing was just a job and it went smoothly. I roped lots at other places but as far as getting the job done this was the best.I realize it has to be different when you rely on neighbors and I would think that the owner shouldn't rope unless he has to.
I do everything but rope. Never had the opportunity to learn when I was younger and since most of my relatives and friends rope I never felt the need to. I go to enough brandings that I usually have at least 50 people at mine and everyone that wants to rope gets the opportunity to. However no job is off limits to anyone. If they are asked to do any job they do it, even wrestling calves. I'm 51 and I don't mind wrestling calves at all, it's what I grew up doing. Besides when you wrestle calves you get a break after every one but I usually get asked to cut, vaccinate, implant, or brand now days. Some day I'll be useless enough to watch the gate I suppose. :lol:
Big Swede said:
I do everything but rope. Never had the opportunity to learn when I was younger and since most of my relatives and friends rope I never felt the need to. I go to enough brandings that I usually have at least 50 people at mine and everyone that wants to rope gets the opportunity to. However no job is off limits to anyone. If they are asked to do any job they do it, even wrestling calves. I'm 51 and I don't mind wrestling calves at all, it's what I grew up doing. Besides when you wrestle calves you get a break after every one but I usually get asked to cut, vaccinate, implant, or brand now days. Some day I'll be useless enough to watch the gate I suppose. :lol:

I'm about to that point now, and I don't think I am any older then you. If I cut, I am so sore the next day I can't hardly move. I enjoy roping, and some days I can't miss, the next I can't catch.
The first year we were here, I think I went to 26 brandings, this year I might make it to 6, if I go to Big Swede's neighbors in July.
Thanks for the responses. I like to rope and I like to work the ground. I usually am asked to cut or brand and I enjoy it. What I don't like is when guys come to brandings and refuse to work the ground. And when kids are brought, they are not made to work on the ground. I know it's good for kids to learn to rope, but they should learn the jobs on the ground as well. But like most of you said as long as the job gets done. I enjoy brandings, I just think everyone should enjoy them. Like Soap said everyone that wants to rope should get the chance.
When I was a kid, the old men were the only ones allowed to rope. Now days it seams that all the kids do the roping and us old men do the wrestling. I don't much agree with it, and tend not to go back to those brandings the next year.
I tried hard this year to miss all the brandings and it worked. Funny thing I can work my calves 30 or 40 at a time as we go to grass. The winning part is my farming work is always done about mid June. As it is now I have 16 acres of corn left to seed all the hayfields have been fertilized all the trailers in the shop have been completed. I have a week to build some fence deliver a few bulls and if time allows move some cows to different pastures if time does'nt allow I'll do it after vacation.

I prefer to cut at my own brandings when we had them and I'll pass on the ropeing having be banged up pretty bad 9 years ago I really have no interest in ropeing.Laying in a hospital for 8 days will change some guys outlook on whats important.

Having been a kid dogging calves all day long while the older crew set horseback all day long I have no problem with people taking turns.
WHR said:
Alot of the brandings I've been at have been larger ranches that mostly just used their own crew. At one place I wrestled calves for four springs with the same partner.It was pretty good because we really got to know the job well. The same two older guys roped all the calves and the same fellow had branded almost all the calves for fourty years. You can bet they were consistent. :) The whole thing was just a job and it went smoothly. I roped lots at other places but as far as getting the job done this was the best.I realize it has to be different when you rely on neighbors and I would think that the owner shouldn't rope unless he has to.

Would that have been Bill, Joe and Bones?
I know a guy who sits on his horse until he is asked to rope and if he gets replaced he might lower himself to run an iron. I don't trade help with him, not my kind of neighbor.
Big Swede said:
I know a guy who sits on his horse until he is asked to rope and if he gets replaced he might lower himself to run an iron. I don't trade help with him, not my kind of neighbor.

I'd bet he don't ride a tractor anymore than the least nessasary.
Ho55, there is a seedstock outfit here that still drags calves. My other half has helped them for years. He ropes, works the ground, whatever has to be done, but, a neighbor guy shows up to drag only. He won't get off his horse. The way he's now being handled is, the ground crew refuses to work his calf. They told him if he won't flank, cut, vaccinate or brand, they won't do it for him either.

The owner is the "gofer". He makes sure there is enough vaccine, wormer, whatever. He does not rope. He does cut and vaccinate.
at our branding
I brand
everyone else's I
do what ever needs
to be done
keeps it all from getting
i'll even cook a few
oysters from time to time
I usually cut at the brandings I go to along with a little roping. I try to let all the ropers rope at my brandings, I'll rope a little if I have a new horse that hasn't been roped on much so he'll be ready to use at others brandings.
we sort off cows I vaccinate cows with Preg guard 10. Then my daughter runs calves down the alley to the calf table (it comes off the preg cage) I run the table brand, burn horns , hook the hind leg of bulls. My Wife vaccinates and cuts, we do a hundred head of calves after they cut off in a little over 2 hours , just the 3 of us.
We just had our big branding last weekend...we did 450 calves in 3 hours including gathering time for two herds. We had 35 people on horse back, at least 8 sets of wrestlers, 2 nut cutters, 2 ear markers, 4 vaccinators, 4 branders, 2 gals doctoring anything sick, and numerous others filling in where needed. We never rope at our own brandings---we give that job to the older cowboys/cowgirls who have wrestled calves for the first 30 years of their life. It is a spot that is earned. You can't be a good roper at a branding unless you have been flipping calves---you can't just be a cowboy, you gotta be a cattleman to earn that right (In my opinion). If my husband or father in law isn't asked to rope at a neighbors branding no one has hurt feelings. They just fill in where they are needed. Around here brandings are a "working party". No one comes to just spectate---or if they do they get talked about later :) Everyone wants to work and help out, bad attitudes don't get invited the next year ;-). We have lots of food and beer/pop afterwards and lots of stories and laughter. And in my opinion, you know it's a successful day when our "help" tells us thank you for the invite. It's all about getting the job done fast and as safe as possible for the calves and people. These old cowboys around here don't do well with attitudes and expectations :) And we start the kids young at wrestling. It's the easiest job you can have and most of the time experienced wrestlers will wrestle with a novice kid.
I never rope when attending a branding that I have been invited to until the owner of the cattle or manager of the outfit asks me to. I don't mind wrestling calves although my body sure tells me at the end of the day that I should have been a little easier on it my younger days. I attended a branding on Saturday and was asked to rope the second bunch of calves that were sorted off. There were 4 other ropers in the pen that were all younger than I was. In my area wrestlers are in short supply so we utilize nord forks to help hold calves while processing. It is necessary to make sure that you only drag calves that are caught by both legs to hold with the horse while the fork holds the head. I don't like to complain but I found myself stepping down off my horse to pull ropes off single leg catches that the younger folks wouldn't let drop while not once did one of them step down to retrieve their ropes. Many times I found myself just settin out of their way because they were not courteous enough to step out of the way while they rebuilt a loop. I probably should have said something but didn't feel it was my place to since their parents were there watching as well as the cattle owner. Sorry for ranting I will step down off my soapbox now.

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