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Interesting trip

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Martin Jr.

Well-known member
Aug 12, 2005
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north central Nebraska
Headed out north of Crookston, NE to deliver a washer that I had repaired. From there went west and checked a freezer fan that was making a lot of noise. Thermometer on garage there read 90 degree F. Another call from GE to check a washer at Two Strike. This is just north of St. Francis and south of Rosebud, SD. So headed north and west to come into St. Francis from a easterly direction, then north. Directions given were Old Two Strike, east of road. Someone would be home, I asked if near old Church at Two Strike, she said farther past it. (Dad had moved this church from Lakeview to Two Strike in about 1947.) She said cross auto gate, last house on the road. No roads going near old church, I could see church ( or its remains) in the distance. Asked at a home in Two Strike housing area and was told that she works at Valandra's in St. Francis, so I go there: wrong but similar first name, but directions mostly by hand signals, to go back to Two Strike area. They thought she lived with her grandma Bear Shield. Stopped at house that I thought must be the one. Two little girls ages 1 1/2 to 3 home alone, didn't know anything, but not the right house. Remembering that she said cross auto gate, no auto gates east of highway, so try west side. Another house, directions that she lived with grandma Bear Shield two miles south. Found another auto gate, wye in the road, took the left for the last house, got directions that she lived in the house on the other wye in the road. Nobody home. Little house, a lot of household things outside that would not fit in house.
After 5:30 now, headed south of St. Francis, cut across to Clarence's place, stopped and sprayed a few weeds and grasshoppers, headed back across to the Crookston Road and to Crookston and on home to Valentine.
At least I know were the place is now, Will try again when up that way.
That's what I call 'a real trip'. :D
We have a new trucking company delivering our mineral now and the driver was a bit upset when the directions said, "go to the middle of Circle (Mt.) and turn left." He wondered where the 'middle of Circle" was........hard to back track a big semi. :D
Looks like you got lots of scenery, if not much of what you set out to do, on that trip. Sure is pretty country north and west of Rosebud, anyway. Like a little Black Hills with pine, oak and other trees, and the Little White River and some creeks running nicely when we were in that area last summer.

Also sort of a 'wild goose chase' for us for a while. Fourteen year old daughter of a cousin of mine from south MS was there on a mission trip with youth group from her church. We were to visit her, and she said they were in Rosebud. So we search for street address she had given, finally asking at a convenience store, and learned that street wasn't in Rosebud. Called her again, and she put an advisor on the phone. He laughed and said the kids thought being on the Rosebud Reservation meant they were in the TOWN of Rosebud. Wrong! They were in the town of Mission, on a mission on the Rosebud Res, mostly painting homes and interacting with and learning from youth of another place and culture. We had a great visit with her and some of her friends and an advisor when we connected.....and we hadn't seen that pretty town of Rosebud previously, either. So enjoyed the day and connecting with family I don't see often enough.

Yes, there is some pretty scenery. Not so much at Two Strike, but west of there. Going west from Rosebud to the Ghost Hawk park, then take a left just before the Lambert bridge the road follows the Little White River. I remember when I was about 13 my two brothers and I and 2 neighbor boys went there to check a well for the neighbor and went skinny dipping in the river somewhere along that road. It was just a trail then. We went fishing at Beed's dam sometimes. Our family and a neighbor family went to that area, probably near Grass Mountain, in the 40's to pick chokecherries and plums. I think we picked fruit other times also.
In earlier times when somebody mentioned St. Francis Indian Mission (Catholic) they just said "The Mission" When referring to Mission, (In early times the Episcopal's had a mission there) it was just called "Mission Town."

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