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Software upgrade

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Well-known member
May 29, 2005
Reaction score
I have tried to be supportive of the new software but I believe the numbers tell the truth - - - Ranchers.net is on its death bed - - - Please do not let it die.

Much like windows 8 might be the best thing ever many people have never gotten proficient with it and there are still many windows 7 computers being sold and many windows 8 being converted back.

Can Ranchers.net be converted back before it dies completely?

This is a great forum and you have to take into consideration the age and comfort level of the participants - - - It seems that most are not able or not willing to adapt to the new update and I hate to lose their experiences that have made my life more enjoyable over the years.

I was used to seeing the life of the Soapweed ranch every morning and would probably not have gotten the great pregnancy rate I am getting without the inputs from faster horses on the need for good mineral - - - used to absorb the wisdom of Doc Harris and I will really miss all of this if it does not improve.
Twitter, Facebook, other forums more dedicated to specifics will replace most general purpose forums
Part of the reason for inactivity is just life....this is traditionally a busy time of year, so new postings aren't as plentiful....other folks grow past forums, and, as stated earlier, other forms of social media are taking over.

One factor that drove new posts was the utter stupidity and flawed logic and reasoning of he who shall not be named. After the WW/Bucki/packet scandal, he realized (finally) that his foolishness and zeal to spread untruths had painted his rather large rear end into a corner that he couldn't lie and manipulate his way out of, he picked up his ball and went home.

A lot of folks "tuned in" daily to see him get his posterior handed to him...that drove traffic and new posts. Without that daily conflict, traffic has died down...it's just life...
loomixguy said:
Part of the reason for inactivity is just life....this is traditionally a busy time of year, so new postings aren't as plentiful....other folks grow past forums, and, as stated earlier, other forms of social media are taking over.

One factor that drove new posts was the utter stupidity and flawed logic and reasoning of he who shall not be named. After the WW/Bucki/packet scandal, he realized (finally) that his foolishness and zeal to spread untruths had painted his rather large rear end into a corner that he couldn't lie and manipulate his way out of, he picked up his ball and went home.

A lot of folks "tuned in" daily to see him get his posterior handed to him...that drove traffic and new posts. Without that daily conflict, traffic has died down...it's just life...

I thought everybody was here to see you and jiggsy argue football. :lol: :lol:

Ya the "Other" social media is drawing people away I'm sure as well as right now is a busy time on the land.
I do miss the good old days of me and haymaker fighting but he just got old. :wink: :lol: :lol:
Big Muddy rancher said:
loomixguy said:
Part of the reason for inactivity is just life....this is traditionally a busy time of year, so new postings aren't as plentiful....other folks grow past forums, and, as stated earlier, other forms of social media are taking over.

One factor that drove new posts was the utter stupidity and flawed logic and reasoning of he who shall not be named. After the WW/Bucki/packet scandal, he realized (finally) that his foolishness and zeal to spread untruths had painted his rather large rear end into a corner that he couldn't lie and manipulate his way out of, he picked up his ball and went home.

A lot of folks "tuned in" daily to see him get his posterior handed to him...that drove traffic and new posts. Without that daily conflict, traffic has died down...it's just life...

I thought everybody was here to see you and jiggsy argue football. :lol: :lol:

Ya the "Other" social media is drawing people away I'm sure as well as right now is a busy time on the land.
I do miss the good old days of me and haymaker fighting but he just got old. :wink: :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yep, we had some fun times on here. Remember TxTibbs and his pickup catching fire???? Oh man, that was funny!
And Jersey Lilly getting an email from him that he was in a foreign country, had been mugged and needed money?

We even gathered up donations for a few members that we felt were in need. And read the insults that were handed out at least
weekly by 'he who need not be named'. :D Yep, some fun and interesting times with the ranchers.net 'family.' I miss that.

As a dear old friend used to say, "nothin's forever." :?
to "argue" takes people with valid points and logic...poor old loomix has neither, just dusty trophies and no future...so it was never really an argument...HOWEVER, should you want to discuss his relations with my cousin Mary...... that will get the old farts blood boiling !
What JR said to Cliff Barnes on "Dallas" totally spies to Jigs.

"Barnes (Jigs), you just get dumber and dumber every day."

Jigs thinks there's a future with a 137 year old head coach with no recruiting foundation. They like retreads so well in Manhattan, maybe they'll bring back Ron Prince when Methuselah "retires" for the second time.
Dear ignorant husker fan,
tell us more about how Bo was gonna double your national trophies, tell us how you would DOMINATE the Big ten...tell us how it was not about money, it was all about the academics ( you lost your AAU status) tell us how every other team wishes they had a blow up doll mascot like the huskers..... come on, tell us how it is up there in husker land......

Snyder is old, but he creates good players from the ones no one else wants, and we are competitive.... I was a Cat fan in the 80's, I know futility..... anything you say means nothing to me, I have hears it all before..... to see a husker ripping on a KSU team show one thing, and one thing only, PURE JEALOUSY..... now sit down, shut up, and go finish your love letter to Oldtimer...we all know you are the papa to his little grand baby.

all my love, Jigs

(all typed in sarcasm font.... I know loomix understands this, but some don't)
The new software situation seems like a young person who has been away for a few years and then returns home. His parents have moved across town into a completely different neighborhood, and they now live in a much bigger house, with newer, fancier more modern furniture. It is all very nice, but it just doesn't seem like "home" anymore.

In my own case, my computer was getting clogged up and slow. I got a new one, and it is an Apple (or a Lemon). It is completely different than my old outfit, and I can't seem to get figured out how to put photos onto Photobuckets so they can be shared in the fashion I am used to doing. In about a month, I am going back to Rapid City and might buy another computer, giving this Apple to Peach. Yes, I know this is all very confusing.

In the meantime, there will probably be no Soapweed pictures, and I will hang out more on Facebook, and play a little Facebook Scrabble with spare time. And yes, we are plenty busy ranching and trying to get calves branded. It has been a very mild "calver user-friendly" spring, but a little more rain would be mighty welcome.
jigs said:
Dear ignorant husker fan,
tell us more about how Bo was gonna double your national trophies, tell us how you would DOMINATE the Big ten...tell us how it was not about money, it was all about the academics ( you lost your AAU status) tell us how every other team wishes they had a blow up doll mascot like the huskers..... come on, tell us how it is up there in husker land......

Snyder is old, but he creates good players from the ones no one else wants, and we are competitive.... I was a Cat fan in the 80's, I know futility..... anything you say means nothing to me, I have hears it all before..... to see a husker ripping on a KSU team show one thing, and one thing only, PURE JEALOUSY..... now sit down, shut up, and go finish your love letter to Oldtimer...we all know you are the papa to his little grand baby.

all my love, Jigs

(all typed in sarcasm font.... I know loomix understands this, but some don't)

This from a fan of a team that knows what it's like to lay down more than Paris Hilton, Lindsay Logan, and all the Kardadhian sisters combined.

BTW, Mike Riley is the Husker HC....not Bo. You are more than welcome to follow Bo at Youngstown State.
Soapweed Where should we send donations to for youre new computer fund? Youre pictures are the biggest part of Ranchers.net.
cows101 said:
Soapweed Where should we send donations to for youre new computer fund? Youre pictures are the biggest part of Ranchers.net.

Thanks for the compliment. I have this new Apple, but am not smart enough to put the photos on Photobuckets. The favorites are all in a so-called album, but Photobuckets doesn't recognize them when I try to transfer them. A computer guru is what is needed.

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