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What we did today, 8/2/07

Help Support Ranchers.net:

You know , it would be really nice if you mean ole ranchers would stop flaunting the fact that you get to be outside, messing with cattle, riding ponies and such. Some of us have to sit in an office, adjusting the coat hangers in our mouths and reading page after page of research materials. :mad: I wanna play in the dirt :mad:

(this rant brought to you by an over worked public service worker) :lol: :wink:

Seriously I am sooo jealous, I hope you enjoyed the day
I drop in your Blog from time to time JB.. Find it interesting to see what you guys do out there.. so different from what we do here juet because of terrain and scale of that terrain... Don't worry Judith, I seem to spend most of my time inside recently or inside a truck driving somewhere.. I am so tired of that.
JB----sure am liking the looks of your "topless four-wheeler" :lol: :lol: I think I may even be able to handle that one!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

However, I agree with Judith.......BRAG.....BRAG.......BRAG!!! You need some office duty, dangit!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink: :wink: :wink: Trade ya spots for a few days....gladly!! :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
Both of you whiney wimmen are hereby invited to come spend at least one day with me.

'Course, it might be the day I have to be in the house on the 'puter entering important data, or tooling on a saddle or repairing a saddle, doing laundry, babysetting the grandkids, working on paperwork for a loan that I won't get, etc...... :p

I may not make much money at ranching, but I try to at least have fun. If you vcan't have fun spending as much money as it takes to run one of these places, you just ain't trying! :shock:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

And you do realize, that I ain't going to post about the dull and boring days, don't you? :roll:
Terry Brown said:
. . .do you ladies think ol jinglebob wears a white hat or a black hat?

or a ball cap on backwards with his britches hanging half off his rear?

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