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Recent content by Ltdumbear

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  1. Ltdumbear

    Share a Tune

  2. Ltdumbear

    Share a Tune

    It's NOTHING compared to all the music & lyrics I have 'stuck' rattling-around in my head, after having memorized the lead & harmonizing-vocals backwards & forwards to, over the course of my short 50 yrs on this planet. No matter how bad things ever get, we always have music to help lighten the...
  3. Ltdumbear

    Share a Tune

    Geez...picking just one song that 'moves' me...it's like having to choose a favorite movie or tv series...muscle or sports car...or which is my favorite motorcycle...or actress/actor...etc, etc... Here's a few though: https://youtu.be/JDG2m5hN1vo https://youtu.be/2E6oSEqrsDA...
  4. Ltdumbear

    When you think they can't get any dumber

    .. :agree:
  5. Ltdumbear

    When you think they can't get any dumber

    It's the sublime 'look of innocence' in thier eyes that creeps me out the most...and no, it's not that I'm older & have less miles in front of me, than behind me...rather it's that 'eyes are the window to the soul' thing, that I'm concerned about, really. Not sure what it is that I see...or...
  6. Ltdumbear

    Word Association Game

  7. Ltdumbear

    anybody try this

    Phone number (to the company) traces all the way back to New Hampshire. Never been there myself, and I'm sure it's a nice place with great people an all, but my gut-instincts tell me there probably is'nt much fence-fixing that goes on in that part of the world... ...leave it to those (who...
  8. Ltdumbear

    Word Association Game

    I remember hearing about 'whisper-sticks' (among horse-hands) in the early 90's when the 'Horse-Clinician thing' was just becoming popular thx to Robert Redford doing that movie in Big Timber, MT.
  9. Ltdumbear

    My take

    It's all well & good to have a discussion/debate about what new security-measures or legal-actions/Laws should come out of this most recent tragedy in Florida...but as sure as the Sun will rise tomorrow (for those of us lucky enough to be still alive & breathing) I guarantee that there are...
  10. Ltdumbear

    good team...

    Good sled...very sensible design.
  11. Ltdumbear

    good team...

    I've often found it strange (and not just a little bit frustrating) how a newborn calf never quite figures out how to get up and on thier 'feet' until AFTER I get them in the sled, harness-myself up and manage to get some 'teamwork' going, only to see the calf scrabble to it's feet and...
  12. Ltdumbear

    A COINCIDENTAL HAPPENSTANCE, by Steve Moreland, January 31, 2018

    Nothing 'positive' to report, from my end...yet...but I am sure things will start looking-up the moment I land a calving/feeding job somewhere in this region, before my saving$ (from 2016) are completely gone. Lost my Mom 5 days before X-mas...knew it was coming, but now my elderly father has...
  13. Ltdumbear

    A COINCIDENTAL HAPPENSTANCE, by Steve Moreland, January 31, 2018

    Meanwhile, I'm still trying to get the residual-image of an utterly-disrespectful, pale-faced Nancy Pelosi (the 'Red-Queen' of Democrat-party) sitting there 'angrily twitching & fidgeting', swishing her dentures around in her mouth while shooting absolutely BURNING hateful-glares at POTUS...
  14. Ltdumbear

    Cow Camps

    Yessir. Never left.
  15. Ltdumbear

    Cow Camps

    Been awhile since I was up there (or on this forum) unsure if the assoc-members are even running anything up there anymore on acct of drought and sage taking over everything; a prescribed-burn was being discussed but the only smoke I've ever seen coming off the Bighorns was off eastern-foothills...