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Recent content by MoGal

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  1. M

    Does Whitewing Have Toilet Paper?

    Someday, America will know what this is like...... I hope its after I'm gone..... Makes one glad that our P&G factory makes toilet paper..... and there are a couple of dairies (all within 25 mile radius) .... geez Whitewing, I guess there aren't many catalogs left and do the trees still have...
  2. M

    Strassel: The IRS Scandal Started at the Top

    I imagine Obama is snickering and giggling to himself what suckers the American people are..... Steve Miller had already sent an email to his employees telling them that his time was up in June and he would be gone........... so he leaves 30 days earlier than he was scheduled to.... and...
  3. M

    Communist China and another reason for COOL

    Whitewing: That looked like groundhog?? If so, my grandma (born back in 1904) used to say a young groudhog was the best meat ever.... she preferred it over anything else.
  4. M

    Communist China and another reason for COOL

    MRJ: if honey can be exported to another country and then imported to the US as that country's origin.... I'm quite sure they have done it with other items as well. I won't buy fruits/vegetables from Mexico because of the high risk of salmonella. When I can make my own colloidal silver and...
  5. M

    Amnesty would put millions on welfare

    I think this warrants a repeat in bold lettering: The immigration bill introduced to the Senate a week and a half ago would, if passed, allow illegal immigrants to access state and local welfare benefits immediately. ... The financial impact of allowing potentially millions of immigrants onto...
  6. M

    Communist China and another reason for COOL

    Now, if they exported honey to another country which exported it to the US.... don't tell me they didn't export that "lamb" to another country and then the US..... and what about all the dog food companies that bought that "lamb" and advertise it as lamb for your precious doggy???
  7. M

    Communist China and another reason for COOL

    Rat meat sold as lamb http://www.naturalnews.com/040182_rat_meat_China_lamb.html Labeled US Honey b ought from China http://www.naturalnews.com/040264_honey_laundering_China_food_fraud.html Tainted China food http://www.naturalnews.com/040266_food_fraud_China_heavy_metals_contamination.html
  8. M

    Please tell me

    I think you have to look at what Pelosi promotes.... socialism to the hilt abortion on demand at any time gay rights immigration/combining of North American Union terrorism provided by our own government no sovereignty of the USA and promotion of a one world government no freedom of the people...
  9. M

    No foreign funding of the Boston bombers....

    Last week naturalnews.com reported that we, the taxpayers, funded them. They were receiving government benefits and social security/SSI. Until Congress does something about these people the United Nations is giving asylum to and shipping them over here, we will continue to lose our freedom...
  10. M

    Buckwheat's Budget Takes Hits On Both Sides

    Let's see..... while they cut those piddly social security Cola's and cut medicare payments so seniors can pay more out of their bulging pockets.... what did our government spend money on???? #1 The U.S. government is spending $750,000 on a new soccer field for detainees held at Guantanamo Bay...
  11. M

    Did you file taxes?

    Those medical expenses have to be fairly high before you can take the deduction. The government does know what meds you are on because doctor's medical records have to be online (computerized) eff this year and any dr I've taken the kids to has been computerized a couple of years now.
  12. M


    Education has been declining for years and its intentional. DUMB people don't understand the constitution, the bill of rights or the federal reserve . BUT they're being taught how to be a global citizen, no individual thinking allowed as it must be team planning, etc....
  13. M

    furlough inspectors and give mexicans food stamps

    Pitiful when we treat illegal aliens better than our own senior citizens, isn't it? Why would anyone in their right mind allow an illegal alien citizenship/amnesty when they are on the government teat????? THOSE should be the first ones DENIED citizenship and I'm not joking either. Some more...
  14. M

    Real Estate Fraud

    "Change" at its finest.... isn't that just wonderful! :roll:
  15. M

    Corrupt FDA, big Pharma, antidepressants = Gun Control

    While bots (not real people) are twittering on Obama's gun control thread, I ran across this article which is very good at exposing the side effects of zoloft, paxil and prozac..... hopefully you'll take the time to read it. Learn more...