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  1. R

    Jury rules in favor of Plaintiffs

    So now what? Are you going to have to show receipets for payment for cattle during that time? How many cattle were purchased during that time? What will the average payout be? Wil they be paid on a flat per head or on the grid they sold on? It could take years to determine how much if any they...
  2. R

    Japanese panel gives greenlight to U.S. beef

    LMA Daily News Briefing Japanese panel gives greenlight to U.S. beef A major step toward again selling U.S. beef in Japan was taken today, when a panel of Japan’s Food Safety Commission ruled that the risk of BSE from U.S. beef is extremely low when “proper precautions” are taken. The...
  3. R

    NCBA Shows Growth in 2005

    NCBA Membership Makes Strong Showing in 2005 Over 4000 first-time members added DENVER (October 26, 2005) – The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) ended its 2005 fiscal year with strong growth in the cow-calf sector of its membership, as well as in total revenue. NCBA’s direct members...
  4. R

    Sold heifers today

    they are lot 12957 in the Superior catalog if you want to look at them.
  5. R

    Sold heifers today

    Thats the beauty of these Red Angus Heifers. They milk raise a good calf but breed back. We lose more to ulcers than calving problems. But since we started vaccinating with a 7 way at birth we have almost eliminated the ulcer problem. Overall we have a 95-97% breed back on the heifers and the...
  6. R

    Sold heifers today

    Red Angus heifers for Nov 1 delivery. Sync AI to Beckton, Pieper bulls cleaned up with Gran Red Angus Bulls. My be the best set of commercial heifers we have ever raised. Each one home grown.
  7. R

    R CALF Seek Rehearing of CourtDecision

    U.S. Cattle Producers Seek Rehearing of Court Decision That Allows Imports from Countries with BSE (Billings, Mont.) – Today, attorneys for R-CALF USA filed with the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals a petition for a rehearing before the full appellate court regarding an opinion handed down...
  8. R

    Sold heifers today

    Just sold our coming two year old heifers on Superior today. First time we have used the video on bred stock. Ended up bringing 1310 for a 1000 # heifer. What a day.
  9. R

    Auction to raise $$ for Hurricane victims

    Ok so mabye it wasn't such a good Idea. Anybody got any thing better?
  10. R

    Auction to raise $$ for Hurricane victims

    Some set at sale barns and and sell a calf over and over to raise money for their organizations. Lets do t he same thing for the victims of Katrina. Here is my plan. I needd someone to go to the grocery store and buy a case of Tabassco sauce, product of Louisina, take it to the sale barn and...
  11. R

    World Gas Prices

    Prices per gallon US dollars Netherlands Amsterdam $6.48 Norway Oslo $6.27 Italy Milan $5.96 Denmark Copenhagen $5.93 Belgium Brussels $5.91 Sweden Stockholm $5.80 United Kingdom London $5.79 Germany Frankfurt $5.57 France Paris $5.54 Portugal Lisbon $5.35 Hungary Budapest $4.94...
  12. R

    Dakota governor urged to block import of Canadian Cattle

    South Dakota governor urged to block imports of Canadian cattle By JOE KAFKA Associated Press PIERRE, S.D. -- Republican Gov. Mike Rounds should follow the lead of his predecessor and close the state border to cattle from Canada, a potential political opponent said Wednesday. Ron...
  13. R

    Web Based Cattle Records and Marketing

    Went to the website, couldn't find any country that endorsed the product. But maybe I jsut wasn't looking in the right place. Maybe it was soccer.
  14. R

    How will the 9th Circut Court rule

    yes or no
  15. R

    Confirmed Case

    R-Calf Response Suspect Sample Tests Positive for BSE (Billings, Mont.) – After two weeks of uncertainty awaiting test results on brain tissue from a cow originally declared free of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) in November 2004, and then...
  16. R

    Confirmed Case

    SD Stockgrowers Say the US is not part of a “North American Cattle Industry” Concerned about unanswered questions from USDA In light of USDA’s announcement that a cow slaughtered in the United States that previously tested negative for BSE has now tested positive via a different test, South...
  17. R

    Confirmed Case

    Looks like. Nimble fingers Listening to the teleconference from Johann.
  18. R

    Confirmed Case

    USDA ANNOUNCES BSE TEST RESULTS AND NEW BSE CONFIRMATORY TESTING PROTOCOL WASHINGTON, June 24, 2005 -- Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns today announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture has received final test results from The Veterinary Laboratories Agency in Weybridge, England...
  19. R

    Check off decision

    High Court rules beef checkoff constitutional By HOPE YEN Associated Press WASHINGTON -- The Supreme Court on Monday ruled that the government was within its rights to force beef producers to pay for a multimillion-dollar "Beef: It's what's for dinner" marketing program, even when...
  20. R

    Check off decision

    No it was 6-3. Majority.