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  1. R


    Sorry to hear of your loss. I never got to meet your dad, but heard a lot of stories about him! Prayers sent from southwest Nebr. RBT
  2. R

    The Wall (Viet Nam) A little history most people will never

    My hat's off to all who have served. Thank you!
  3. R

    The Wall

    thank you for posting this. I did not serve in any military branch during my younger years. Vietnam was over before I got out of high school. I have the highest respect for anyone who has served in any war protecting us and our freedoms! May GOD bless each one of them, and I thank them from...
  4. R

    News from Cowhunter

    Prayers from Nebraska Cowhunter!
  5. R

    Hey Jiggs

    How did you come out with your crops and equipment after that big strom you had a while back? RBT
  6. R


    These photos are definitely "inspired"! Thank you so much for sharing. They actually make me catch my breath and I've looked through them several times! Mrs BT
  7. R

    This is AWESOME!!!

    Thanks for the reminder that HIS grace and mercy are ours just for the asking! Beautifully written. B
  8. R

    Ranchers?CT greeting cards

    Thanks for the info. I have not seen the cards 'til now, but it looks like they'll be fun to send. B
  9. R

    Saturday's Sunset......

    Jersey Lily, Thank you SO much for sharing God's handiwork in your part of the world. Looking at your photos makes my heart beat slow and I can just feel a smile starting from the inside out! Sunsets have a way of just make the day a whole lot sweeter when we stop to enjoy them. Thanks again for...