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  1. T

    Strange Stuff that happens when working cows

    Hi everybody, thought some of you might find this funny...or strange...lol A short while back we were working some calves and a couple of new cows that we had bought. While running the calves through the alley into the chute we had one that just went bonkers and went to trying to get out. She...
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    Braunvieh Cattle

    Anyone here every raised or dealt with the Braunvieh breed of cattle? We are looking at possibly getting some and would like to hear any opinions.
  3. T

    video cattle sales

    Not sure yet what the cost are but we are scheduling a meeting with a superior rep to come over and discuss it. Will be happy to let you know what information we get though.
  4. T

    Help or Information

    Well, after all the hard work thought we had her up and moving, apparently she had internal bleeding and subcummed to it Sat afternoon. So once again I thank all of you who have reposnded to this post.
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    Help or Information

    Thanks Mike and ALabama.........we are going to just watch her and see how she does. Like I said right after she had the calf she got up and moved around some. I know that we have done all we can, so right now we will just keep her fed and watered and try to keep her from becoming to the point...
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    Help or Information

    Dr Carson was very nice. He didn't want to inflict any more stress on her than was necessary and loading her to take her over there would have been stressful on her. Well, got good news and bad news. Good news, she finally went into labor about 9:30 this morning and had a bull calf. They had to...
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    Help or Information

    Just an update.....no change as of yet. Had someone come out and check her yesterday afternoon to see if she has dialated any. From what they could tell the calf is still ok....head in the right position....but still kinda low. Thinking it could be another couple of days before she will calf...
  8. T

    Help or Information

    after dealing with all of this a few frozen drinks sound might good.....
  9. T

    Help or Information

    Thanks for all of your help.....Mike, ALabama and Faster Horses.... appreciate it greatly. Hopefully will have better news tomorrow.....will go check her again about 3:30 maybe something good then.
  10. T

    Help or Information

    I guess at this point my biggest concern is what we need to do for her to keep her comfortable., and to save the calf. I was told that the dexamethazone(spelling????) should start her to dialating if she was close, but doesn't seem to be doing much, although they did say it could take a couple...
  11. T

    Help or Information

    Well, I am still waiting on Dr Carson to call back. I hope that he does. Have never been there, but sounds like a pretty good deal. Have any idea what they would charge to help with this situation????? It would probably be worth the mileage charge to have them come over and work our...
  12. T

    Help or Information

    That would be nice. And I think that she would feel alot better once the calf is out. Just hope that both of them make it.
  13. T

    Help or Information

    from what we can figure......on Friday afternoon went to check cows and she was laying down.......after getting close to her she got up but seemed to have trouble doing so. She was walking some and looked to be limping a little. Looked at her foot thinking she might be getting touch of footrot...
  14. T

    Help or Information

    I called and he was at lunch so she is going to have him call back. Will see what happens. It's hard to believe that in all the advances that medicine can make someone has not been able to come up with a brace or cast or something that you can use on a cow. Seems such a same that you would first...
  15. T

    Help or Information

    will call him right now....thanks.
  16. T

    Help or Information

    We are located in Dallas County......Orrville, Al. Thanks for all the info...... I am hoping something good will come out of the situation. Unfortuantly she is my favorite and I really don't want to put her down. Checked her little while ago....no change.....still doesn't seem to be ready to...
  17. T

    Help for foot rot?

    The best thing that we have found to treat footrot with is Nuflor. Usually we see results by the next day.
  18. T

    Help or Information

    Hi, if anyone can provide some information it would be greatly appreciated. Here's the problem: We have a cow who is heavy with calf, should be less than 1 or 2 weeks from calving. Apparently she has broken the knee on the back leg. Everyone that I have talked with has basically stated that you...