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You may have to call "old" Doc Bob Carson again. He gets busy from time to time and is somewhat forgetfull. Don't tell hin I said that. He has always called me back but sometimes not right away. doctor wolf could also help.
I don't think you have time to take her today but if you can get an apointment, you can take her first thing in the morning. If she is not dilated in the back end she is not ready to calve. With heifer you have a little more warning.

The cost I am sure will be more than the worth of the cow unless she is one of those high doller cows like a doner. A friend of mine took a pair over this spring and Doctor Wolf worked on them for two weeks or more. They worked on the bill and got down a good bit but it still cost him a coulpe of calves. The Doctor will most likley explane this when you talk with him.

They do make farm visite but unless you have "A LOT" the max travel they do is 50 miles. I know they went to Perry county last to test bulls on one farm for two days. I am just lucky to be close.
Alabama said:
You may have to call "old" Doc Bob Carson again. He gets busy from time to time and is somewhat forgetfull. Don't tell hin I said that. He has always called me back but sometimes not right away. doctor wolf could also help.
I don't think you have time to take her today but if you can get an apointment, you can take her first thing in the morning. If she is not dilated in the back end she is not ready to calve. With heifer you have a little more warning.

The cost I am sure will be more than the worth of the cow unless she is one of those high doller cows like a doner. A friend of mine took a pair over this spring and Doctor Wolf worked on them for two weeks or more. They worked on the bill and got down a good bit but it still cost him a coulpe of calves. The Doctor will most likley explane this when you talk with him.

They do make farm visite but unless you have "A LOT" the max travel they do is 50 miles. I know they went to Perry county last to test bulls on one farm for two days. I am just lucky to be close.

The bull calf I had that broke his leg in Feb. (notice I said "had") stayed there 3 months. I told them right up front I wasn't gonna spend over $800 on him.

When I went to pick him up the bill was $2600 and Dr. Wolff told me not to pay it, yet. Long story short, they haven't sent me a bill and I gave the calf away.

Hate to say this, but the cows' probably gonna lay there and wither away with a broke leg. You'll prolly wind up raising this calf on the botttle.
Hey mike: Is it hot at your place yet?
I came through a good rain this morning on Al-231 at the Tallapoosa river. I hope i get some of this at home. I have a little hay on the ground but it is in the pasture so let it rain.
I guess at this point my biggest concern is what we need to do for her to keep her comfortable., and to save the calf.
I was told that the dexamethazone(spelling????) should start her to dialating if she was close, but doesn't seem to be doing much, although they did say it could take a couple of days.
She has a full bag on her and her back end is (swollen??????)I'm not sure what the exact term would be to use......extended????? to the point that she doesn't keep her tail straight when she is up. Of course with first time heifers I understand that they can spring heavy or show heavy and still be quite a ways off from delivery.
AT this point I just don't know what to do......I hate to see her suffer, but I also don't want to put her down if there is a chance. :cry:
stuck between a rock and a hard place
As far as being a special/expensive breed.....nope....she's got a little black angus/holstein/simm in her.......she's 1400....1500lbs or better. But she has a great disposition on her and a really nice look to her.
I think you will feel better when you talk with Doc Carson. Let him look at her and you will know for sure what the right thing to do is. I would bet a short visit to the clinic would be less than $100 if they don't have to keep her over night.
And this thing about inducing labor. The vets at auburn will sure be able to tell you best.

As for now, just keep her a comfortable as you can. That is all you can do and hope for the best.
Alabama said:
Hey mike: Is it hot at your place yet?
I came through a good rain this morning on Al-231 at the Tallapoosa river. I hope i get some of this at home. I have a little hay on the ground but it is in the pasture so let it rain.

It's so hot the trees are whistling to the dogs.

No rain in about a week here. Heat index...........112

Miserable, but those Frozen Pina Colada's, Margarita's, and Strawberry Daquiri's seem to help. :wink:
Thanks for all of your help.....Mike, ALabama and Faster Horses....
appreciate it greatly.
Hopefully will have better news tomorrow.....will go check her again about 3:30 maybe something good then.
Me and TLC Farms will be over later today to help you drink em. TLc is from Dallas county. Ain't that close to you. If you ain't had too many frozen ones you could ride over and check the cow?

I have rolled hay every evening for the last 7 days. I think I have had enough of this heat.
Alabama said:
Me and TLC Farms will be over later today to help you drink em. TLc is from Dallas county. Ain't that close to you. If you ain't had too many frozen ones you could ride over and check the cow?

I have rolled hay every evening for the last 7 days. I think I have had enough of this heat.

I'm just off highway 80 bout 30 miles from Dallas county line. Just inside Montgomery County. Come on. I got plenty.
where will you be? At the ofice by the road or up in the house?
Do I need to bring an extra blender?
Alabama said:
where will you be? At the ofice by the road or up in the house?
Do I need to bring an extra blender?

After 6:00.......at the house. The more (blenders) the merrier. :wink:

I need to get me an "Industrial Size Blender", one that will hold about 30 gallons! :shock:
I think I have a date to go to the Patsy Cline thing tonight. I here it is well worth it. Have you been or know anyone that has. The last time I was there was for Elvis and that was great.
Alabama Shakespeare festival.
Alabama said:
I think I have a date to go to the Patsy Cline thing tonight. I here it is well worth it. Have you been or know anyone that has. The last time I was there was for Elvis and that was great.
Alabama Shakespeare festival.

Why, do they sell Pina Coladas and such there? Just kidding. Never been to the Shakespeare deal. Besides, sitting still at night? I'd be asleep in 5 minutes.
Mike you just ain't sitting next to the right woman if you are falling asleep. And I think they do sell Pina Coladas. I sure hope they got the AC working in there tonight or they may need one of those 30 gal mixers.
Just an update.....no change as of yet. Had someone come out and check her yesterday afternoon to see if she has dialated any. From what they could tell the calf is still ok....head in the right position....but still kinda low. Thinking it could be another couple of days before she will calf. Also talked with Dr Carson. He stated that we were doing all that could be done for her right now and that since she is heavy with calf they wouldn't want her to be transported right now. Let her calf and then if we want them to look at her we could bring her over. Possibility they could put a cast on her leg, but she would still need to learn to be able to get up and walk on three legs on her on first before they would put it on. Said it's a very could possibility that the longer the calf stays in and keeps her down it will give her a better chance of letting her leg heal some. Although he did say unless she was a cow that would be worth the expense he would just recommend keeping her where she is and let her do it on her own as the cost of the visit($75.00), cost of the cast ($200.00) and then boarding if she had to stay there ($15.00 a day) would more than what she is worth in the long run.
So if anything else changes I will post it but as of right now I guess no news is good news......
I hope Doc Carson made you feel better. I was suprised he did not want to see the cow. However. I thought he would tell you to let the cow calve in her own time.
What did you think of him?
I wish you the best.
Dr Carson was very nice. He didn't want to inflict any more stress on her than was necessary and loading her to take her over there would have been stressful on her.
Well, got good news and bad news.
Good news, she finally went into labor about 9:30 this morning and had a bull calf. They had to go in and pull it, but once he was out she was able to stand on her own. Seems that it has helped her tremendously by having the calf. She didn't stand very long but was able to move some on her own and then she laid back down. Although she seems to be resting comfortably.
Bad news :cry: we lost the calf.
So anyways....thanks for all of your help. I'll let u know how she does later on.
Take the cow and make hamburger out of her. Now! before she starts losing muscle/weight. I think those Mennonites in Orrville will do it for you.
I am sorry you lost the calf. I know how that can hurt. now take care of the mamma and she may make you a cow.
You did what you could but sometimes it just ain't ment to be.

I will be selling bulls in Uniontown in November. If you make it to the sale stop in and see me. As of now I plan to take 2 bulls two years old and 5 heifers (open) 10 months old. All Angus.

Mike; Have you got anything for Uniontown this year? I think youtold me that you sold out last fall.

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