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  1. M

    I need a new stock trailer

    Try Denny on here he builds sharp looking trailers that are well built.
  2. M

    Aluminum Stock Trailers

    Denny, How heavy is the 28ft too pull? And how long would it take you to build one?
  3. M

    Aluminum Stock Trailers

    was wondering what guys that haul alot of cattle think about Aluminum stock trailers? We are in the market for a new trailer and are looking to buy in the US due to the high Canadian dollar and better prices. I was looking at a HEAVY Sundowner STOCK Trailer. Does anyone have any comments good...
  4. M

    IDEA...Good or bad???

    Tim I have faith in you that you will build this hay cutting rig. Heck if you build two I might need one... :)
  5. M

    Help!--- Buying a used bale processor

    IMHO if bale shredders are used alot by the time they are 12 years old they are likely getting to the point of needing repairs. WE use our bale King alot and I know how things are wearing on it. I would suggest you have a look at the cheaper model Hyline bale shredder. Im thinking they run...
  6. M

    Baler Problems

    Why dont both you jsut head up and get my baling done baler is still not working. Worked on it all day yesterday in the heat and didnt get it working so I ve given up. Have to wait til we can get a hesston mechanic here tomorrow.
  7. M

    Baler Problems

    We are having problems with our hesston baler. It is fully automatic( has its own hydraulic system) and we are having a heck of a time with the tailgate not wanting to come down after it goes up. If I was too idle the tractor down sometimes and push the button for manula mode 10 times I could...
  8. M

    baleing straw behind 9760 sts

    We like the straw from the conventional combine. We ve actually went back to using a conventional after a few years of cursing and swearing :twisted: trying to bale the straw from behind the rotary.
  9. M

    Massey Ferguson 135 Diesel

    Oh Swap and Shop farmers/ranchers shopping paradise!! :) :lol: :lol:
  10. M

    Massey Ferguson 135 Diesel

    Tim, Did you get it at an auction sale?
  11. M

    Cake feeder

    NR, Wheres the rest of the tractor? :wink:
  12. M

    bale king processor

    I think this last one one around $25,000
  13. M

    bale king processor

    We just processed it onto the ground in a row and the cows cleaned it up and liked it real well. We have a fine cut option in ours and it sure helps.
  14. M

    bale king processor

    I have used one of the bale kings that I have had to process corn stalk bales. Worked like a dream!!
  15. M

    bale king processor

    I use my grain tank when I am short of hay. One winter we fed a lot of barley straw and we used the grain tank every day to supplement the cows.
  16. M

    bale king processor

    Actually some of the earlier models of Bale Kings had weak flails in them. I had one I believe it was a model 2000 and the flails would break off and fly. I think Bridgeview did some updates and fixed that problem. We had fly out and hit a cow but didnt hurt her too bad. I think Degelman is...
  17. M

    bale king processor

    I ve had several bale kings and they are a damn good unit. The only thing I dont like is having to burn out the twine. Very hard on the lungs when the smoke gets bad. The 2020 does it have the big grain tank on the front of the hitch? We ve got a 3110 RH and I dont know what I would do...
  18. M

    Degelman Bale King drum design

    The Highline dearler has been wanting me to demo one of the ones with the chopper on the side. It still has the normal flails in the tub but the chopper on the side has about another 128 knives turning at 3000 rpm I think that chops the feed alot finer. I ve talked to one guy that bought one...
  19. M

    Degelman Bale King drum design

    I think this a good idea that they have gone too. They still havent got as good as system as the Highline models but a big improvement over the previous bale king models. Our bale King should be good for one more year before we look at trading it.
  20. M

    value of 9N

    Judith, Those tractors carry a pretty good value as they are used alot by people who live in the country that only need something to use around the yard.