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  1. P

    Early October 2014

    I didn't look closely, but I'm pretty certain that's just a cotton module truck. That's how they get the modules from the field to the gin. https://www.google.com/search?q=cotton+module+truck&biw=1600&bih=697&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=VN5MVLijGo288QHysYGgDA&ved=0CB0QsAQ
  2. P

    AI Breeding... Can somebody give me a quick rundown?

    I'm a banker and a farmer, who knows stocker, backgrounding and feedyard cattle... I don't really know jack about cow/calf... I need a quick explanation about AI'ing cattle, and specifically, how long you'll have them locked up. As in, bring them in, lock them up to synchronize them, hold them...
  3. P

    Equipment cost?

    OK, this will sound harsh, but there isn't any other way I can put it... The way you're framing this, you're basically just "buying" yourself a job, and at the end of it will hopefully at best be at a break even. You need to do as others have said, and supply the equipment, but charge custom...
  4. P

    pretty discouraging

    I'm wondering b/c there's a big operation out in extreme W KS that a Whitham family owns, and the patriarch of that outfit was killed in the early 90s I believe when his private plane (jet is what the story I was told said) went down on his way to his ranch up north. That's just the story I was...
  5. P

    Pictures, as of July 20, 2012

    1st off, sorry for the fires and damage/trouble it's causing everybody up there. That sucks. I know last year down here, there were some guys that had that happen, and then w/ the 0 regrowth, their pastures started blowing and it was a mess. So, my question: The tanks in the pickups look to be...
  6. P

    I'm Farming and I Grow It

    You know those guys are K-Stater's don't you Katrina? :D
  7. P

    Trimble EZ Guide 250

    No direct experience w/ the 250. I went from the EZ guide plus, to the 500 to the FMX. The 250 should do everything you want it to do very well though. I don't know how far it will go as far as auto-steering or precision controls, but for lightbar guidance it'd be tough to beat.
  8. P

    Fencing Projects

    They going to irrigate that hay? If so, can you still drill irrigation wells? Or is there even any groundwater out there?
  9. P

    Is Farmland The Next Asset to Collpase?

    It's the rule of 72. Take 72 divided by the return and that gives you the number of years (approximately) that it will take to double the investment.
  10. P

    Ted Turner buys another 26,000 acres in NE

    Umm, no. It's called NO market. To create a market there has to be a willing seller and a willing buyer. What you just cited was not a market, and Jake is 100% correct. To be honest, it's his money, he can do what he wants with it. If he wants to own ground, then he can own ground. If folks...
  11. P

    New Holland Equipment

    Paying trade values like that, and that dealer won't be around long. Or he is WAAAAAY over priced on what you're buying & he wants to make you feel good about it.. http://www.tractorhouse.com/listings/forsale/list.asp?catid=1110&man=JOHN+DEERE&mdlgrp=6200&guid=3811B346EF3C437381995B582EFD30C8...
  12. P

    Small Scale Biodiesel

    Better get your facts straight before you post anything related to Pimental. His famous "study" and I'm using that term loosely, was based upon obsolete ethanol technology and some pretty ludicrous assumptions. In his "study" he assigned 100% of the energy required for the farmer to live to the...
  13. P

    Dodge? Cummins ?

    10mm wrench will take the fan off the clutch. Not sure on the radiator, but it probably won't be bad at all. If you have another radiator ready, it should only take about an hour. I'd say to have a metric and SAE wrench set handy. Good luck.
  14. P

    cattle feeding paradigm shift???

    I doubt that cattle feeding will move into a more populous area that doesn't need it for it's economic base. Way to many environmental/nuisance issues to deal with when you get back east with the 30"+ of rainfall and the associated "ambiance" that a feedyard can provide for 4-5 miles downwind ...
  15. P

    Feed Yard Jobs

    Go to www.kla.org and they will have a feedyard map under feeding cattle in kansas that gives contact info for a lot of the yards. You should be able to find something there.
  16. P

    Weeds around the barn.

    I think the temps & soil moisture have more to do with it than anything. Once the plant has been stressed for moisture & the temps have jumped, the plant will create a waxy layer on the leaves to help retain moisture and then the chems can have a tough time getting through. I would guess that up...
  17. P

    Curious to See Everyone's Opinions...

    Yes, you will have a good few years b/c the microbes are breaking down massive amounts of the OM and turning it into a form of nitrate that is readily available for the crops. Basically what's happening is that the microbes are releasing several years worth of nutrients at once. Of course, after...
  18. P

    Curious to See Everyone's Opinions...

    If you're not going to graze it, spray it. To build organic matter you need to notill it. If you farm/till it you will acutally decrease organic matter. Trust me on this one. This is probably the only question on here that I'm truly qualified to answer. When you farm it under that aerates the...
  19. P

    Grain fattened range calves

    Why not just hook a chain onto each end of a stick of 2" oilfield pipe and pull it behind the pickup. That would get the same thing done. Or is the wheat stubble/failed grain of actual grazing value? I know down here the only thing that would be used for is dairy bedding. But do you actually...
  20. P

    Swampgrass/Rush Hay

    Haymaker, around here there are a lot of cows that winter on milo stalks and corn stalks. If the guys have irrigation, they winter on corn stalks, if they're dryland farmers it's milo stalks. Both will get some supplements if needed. Why is most of the milo there plowed under and not cut? Or...