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  1. K

    HUGE favor to ask please !!

    Voted! :D Best of luck.
  2. K

    Old flour sack recipes

    Dish towels. Best ever. :)
  3. K

    I guess I like boring...

    Couldn't even finish looking at them.. :lol:
  4. K

    Argument clinic

    :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. K

    Hi Ho Silver

    A horse walks into a bar. The bartender asks... "Why the long face?" A limping dog hobbles into a bar. The bartender asks.. "What can I get you?" The dog says... "I'm looking for the man that shot my paw." A nun a priest an Irishman a Scotsman a rabbi and a blonde walk into a bar...
  6. K

    Taking it in Stride…

  7. K

    Canuck Tough

    It's not just the men who are tough. The Grandma's are tough too. This lady lives not far from us. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIhNX0X1ZKM&list=RDmIhNX0X1ZKM
  8. K

    Canuck Tough

    I like the way he ducks down when the truck goes by. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  9. K


    And the drama continues. Someone reported our facebook thread to facebook administration, and had it taken down. Seems that PETA lurks around reading what groups who spin wool are saying about how these so called activists misrepresent and pass on false information about the livestock world...
  10. K


    That story got posted to a fibre artist facebook group I belong to, and all h&^l broke loose. What a load of sheep shyte. :roll: :roll:
  11. K

    Driving in the snow

    Some more Canadian advice. :D Everything he said. Slow down. That's the biggest thing. Remember it can take a long time to stop. Make sure you have good windshield wipers if it's slushy, and washer antifreeze too. And take your cell phone. You will usually find it's the other people on...
  12. K

    Different Species Of Man Found?

    Georgia is in Russia.
  13. K

    I'm Old but this GREEN THING?

    :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: And..... We played outside with our friends instead of being driven to some kind of lessons we wouldn't want to take anyway. Our Moms grew gardens, and knitted and sewed. We had one family car. And we stood at the kitchen counter and talked with...
  14. K

    Goat Man

    I remember reading a story a couple of years ago about a mountain climber who was found at the bottom of a cliff. Dead. The last picture in his camera was of a Rocky Mountain Sheep... ram.... close up. Guess why he fell off the mountain. :roll: And then there was that guy who was...
  15. K

    Old hippie song - kind of pretty, though

    Here's another one. http://youtu.be/AW6NVcqcRVE
  16. K

    Good with Lamb

    I think it looks delicious. It's a good old school jelly recipe, from before the days of Certo. The apples will add extra pectin to help it set. I make lots and lots of jelly every year, and I'm going to try this. That is, if my mint plant gets big enough. :wink: It's just a baby plant...
  17. K

    can't think of a good tittle

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  18. K

    A link for the Canadian members;

    Excellent! My uncle was a Mountie. He trained back in the early sixties, when all members were required to take horse training. It just about killed him! :wink: He's kind of short, and he tells of one day in training when they had the horses trotting in a circle, without saddles, with...
  19. K

    Remember when

    I don't know if I'd call it boring. Could be something else. Is it just my imagination or has it become meaner around here? Some of the bashing of people with different political leanings seems pretty harsh. It's one thing to disagree, but it seems there's a lot of name calling and insults...
  20. K

    Falcon Cam

    Just thought I'd share this link. In Winnipeg there is a unique method of helping control the pigeon population. Nest boxes have been built to house Peregrin falcons. The falcons are endangered. :? The pigeons are not. :wink: It seems to be pretty successful. They've put webcams in the...