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  1. C

    Been Busy

    I'm am glad to see that you are at least hanging the right kind of art work on the wall :D . Looks good
  2. C


    I bet her twin lived at my place only her number was 15. We kept her around for about ten years always brought home a good big calf can't really say that I really miss her though :D
  3. C

    Grilled Lamb Chops

    And if that does not work throw away the lamb and treat them to a good slab a beef :D
  4. C

    Mother's Milk

    I bet the student lived on a farm i mean else would he know about the cats :D
  5. C

    3 best thing out of Utah

  6. C


    Come on out I have been a couple times seems like every year they keep getting a little bit bigger. I am only 15 miles away so if H is to go to show you around I could :D
  7. C

    Good thing she is pretty

    The bright side to all of this is this is the generation that will be run this country some day when you all are old farts :D. Heaven help us
  8. C

    Olds Alberta

    Some of the other ranching families around have done is sent their kids to get an education in something other than ag. so that they have something different to bring to the table when they come back to the farm. I did electrical for 7 years before I came back and not to brag but it has saved to...
  9. C

    Poor Daughter

    Sorry to hear about your daughters problem when I was in school I got bullied a lot till on day when the school jock running his mouth and I had enough and processed to knock out his front teeth with the toe of my boot never had any problems after that. Sometimes you just need to open a can of...
  10. C


    i use to get mine for free for the past 2 years now they want to charge me. having a hard time paying it when they send it to my email and i can read thhe whole thing online.
  11. C

    road trip tomorrow

    Make sure you get all the donut shops marked down on your map they might need to hungry on the way :-)
  12. C

    Ranchers' Word Power

    America was benighted when they but Obama in as president. We have a benighted president when it comes to agriculture as a whole.
  13. C

    Ranchers' Word Power

    I was wondering though soapweed who head hurt the worst yours or the calfs :D
  14. C

    guy in a bar

    A guy goes into the bar and asked the bartender for a bin laden? The bartender asks what's a bin laden. The guy responds two shots and a splash of water
  15. C

    How did you meet your husband/wife?

    Met my wife at college one night when a buddy of mine was driving me around while I pretook of the liquid spirits and he told me that I needed to meet this girl so at one in the morning she came out of her apartment and jumped in the truck never met anyone that had that much energy at that time...
  16. C

    favorite quotes?

    He's was worthless as teats on a bull As happy as a new born calf on the teat for the first time People die in bed
  17. C

    whats the difference

    I don't know if you had heard this one yet What is the difference between a woman and a cow? A cow can stand in water up to her teats and not get her a$$ wet :???:
  18. C

    favorite quotes?

    Some days your the pigeon and other days your the statue Why do today what you can put off till tomorrow Age has done what religion never could You herford head. (Hard headed) There are two types of people in the world those that work and those that are on welfare
  19. C

    You know your a farm/ranch kid when:

    You take cat naps in every class that you can You get call to the office only to be told that you need to go home and help your dad pull a calf
  20. C

    Cowboy Poetry and Harry Reid

    H tell us how really feel about him don't hold back. Personally I would like ty him to one of those free ranging broom tails out in your area and let him get dragged to death after all it was his that destroyed the horse market.