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You just added that last jab so you could catch up with me :twisted: Now I'm 2 ahead, and determined!
katrina said:
Did you know that our dearest Mikey has the most posts at 1909, followed by OT and Reader the second.... :D I would of never guessed :p :p

You know this computer and ranchers.net can become habit forming--Has cut into my waterhole and coffee shop sessions- but my liver thanks me for that :wink:
katrina said:
Did you know that our dearest Mikey has the most posts at 1909, followed by OT and Reader the second.... :D I would of never guessed :p :p

The simple explanation is; "those that talk the most usually have the least to say". :shock:

Speaking for MYSELF ONLY, of course. :lol:
ranchwife said:
katrina said:
Coarse he has slept at a Holiday Inn Express :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You go, girl!!!!! :D 8) 8)

I just noticed your new avatar ranchwife,anyone we know?..........good luck

found it on the selection of avatars provided us on ranchers!! unfortunately, i have no digital camera (yet...but christmas is coming, ya know) or i would post something else like the kids or the hubby....afraid I would break the camera if it were of me!! :?
Holiday Inn Express?....

If a light sleeper can sleep with a light on?
Can a hard sleeper sleep.......

With the window open? :lol:

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