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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2010
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bored waiting for my boy to get off the school bus :)

got to do some trimming and shoeing

I don't have an anvil, but this thing is very handy for shaping shoes

I really like these chinks from B Bar B in Blackfoot, Idaho. I like to
shoe in these more so than in my farrier chaps, as well as use them
for everything else.

in their new pen right where I'm shoeing


my trailer. I might be a little too far north for this type, but I love these
trailers. I hang plywood up in it in the winter.

views from where I'm shoeing. Not very good pictures.





My favorite hondas are the metal ones, but I have found I don't like using
the metal ones roping heels during branding. So I put this San Joaquin honda
on this rope and really liked it during branding this year.

edited: to add a few from this evening

He doesn't know it yet, but that's going to be his own heifer after she is weaned.

His start on the future

I kinda like this steers face markings.

We found these trying to hide on us.

I should of spent more time shooting these. I didn't know they were going to be this blurry. :(


Wow, you shoot some pretty neat pictures! Those last few of your youngster are classics. Keep it up and keep on posting them :!:
Faster horses said:
Nice pictures. Nice cattle. Nice horses. Nice trailer. (Is that a
Gooseneck brand trailer?) Nice chinks.
Nice hondo.
I don't know much about hondos... :P :wink: :D :D

katrina said:
Thanks for sharing......

WVGenetics said:
Yep...nice trailer!!! Is it a gooseneck or neckover brand? We don't see many around here but they are quality trailers.


It's a Gooseneck brand trailer. I looked at the Neckovers and the WW's I believe it was, just a little.....but knew I wanted a Gooseneck brand. It's a little over kill right now and I get weird looks in line at the sale barn with such little loads at a time in it.....lol. Better explain: The first thing I learned in the beef business last year is.....March calving cows really means April through August or not at all.....lol. I'm trying to group every thing together, so I that is why I calve all over the grid and take have to take little loads to town. Anyway, yeah, I really like them....tough....can take abuse....lots of places to tie ropes and stuff to.....cool for the cattle hauling in summmer, can be made warm for winter,etc. I took the decals off to some day put my ranch decals on....just need to look like a better operation first....lol. Heck I was pulling a 1976 one that I bought not too long before this one, but sold it a few months after getting this one.
burnt said:
Wow, you shoot some pretty neat pictures! Those last few of your youngster are classics. Keep it up and keep on posting them :!:

Faster horses said:
Cute kid, great photos you added. Like burnt said,
"keep 'em coming". Very enjoyable.

Thank you! I appreciate it!

Yeah, I'll post some more if people don't mind. I'm redoing every inch of our house...inside and out. To save money, I don't want to buy expensive pictures to hang up, so I have been taking our own pictures for us to hang up. It's taking longer than I thought to get to where I am haying with a team and have a pack mule, but I have some picture ideas for when I have that. Here's a sample of what I have been taking that I had handy....I have hundreds....lol.









Oh, and please don't judge too harshly.......lol. I'm just messing around with this. There are probably tons of flaws to them, but I think they will work for what I'm doing :D
I KNOW They'll work.
You have talent.

Why don't you enter the photo contest? We have a different
catagory each week. You can win a bunch there........

NOT!! :D :disagree:
It's all in fun. We get to see some great photographs.
Please consider entering some of yours as the catagory fits.
Faster horses said:
I KNOW They'll work.
You have talent.

Why don't you enter the photo contest? We have a different
catagory each week. You can win a bunch there........

NOT!! :D :disagree:
It's all in fun. We get to see some great photographs.
Please consider entering some of yours as the catagory fits.

Thank you!

I was excited reading you can win a bunch there....I was thinking heifers, roan horses, tack, land, tractors, helicopters......then....splat...lol :D Yeah, I'll see what I can come up with! There are some great photos I just seen in there. I guess I could of entered the photo of me dreesed up as a woman for a Halloween party in the what ranch woman where one....haha :D
Great shots.
I was told a long time ago The difference between art and photograhs is the courage to hang them on your wall.
Some I would hang on my wall and he is not my grandson LOL
FLAWS??? what FLAWS???? those pics of the youngun are simply PRICELESS!!! you have an amazing eye for detail and color!! keep 'em comin!!!

:D :D
Oh my those pictures are just awesome...Love, love, love your son and the horse one with the reflection.. Now we need to see the pictures of the remodeling job... I'm painting my front door today!!!
katrina said:
Oh my those pictures are just awesome...Love, love, love your son and the horse one with the reflection.. Now we need to see the pictures of the remodeling job... I'm painting my front door today!!!

Don't let the wind splatter paint all over the place. :wink:
Thanks, everyone! I appreciate it!

That's my little buddy! :D I feel very lucky to have only had to have a town job for the first few months of his life. He's been right with me every step of the way since.

I'll fetch a few more pictures and start a new thread or two and see what you all think of them. Might be a lot of sun set pictures....I hope that doesn't get old for every one?????

Oh and no remodeling pictures.....yet any way.....lol. It's been quite the learning experience.....lol.

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