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2012 Pasture Rent


Apr 14, 2011
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Hello everyone!

I'm checking in again this year about pasture rent per cow/calf pair. I'd like to hear what people actually ended up paying last season for rent in Western South Dakota and what they'll be charging or paying in 2012.


I run yearlings so it doesn't really answer your question, I did run some younger pairs a couple years ago for 28 per hd/month

Heard of some south of Kadoka at 45 per pair and some over by Gregory for $42.
I'm not in South Dakota, south of the border by 20 miles, but we are getting $1.20/hd/day. Figures basically $36/month. We were that last year, and will be again this year. We kind of go on a 2 year cycle as to rent changes. I have been approached by guys offering upwards to $60/month. Not sure if they were just trying to see if we would jump ship, or what.
$45 per acre here. and it is pretty poor grass.... $7 corn makes it hard for guys to not tear up the grass and row crop it
I will be paying $1.25 per pair per day for summer pasture, which figures out to $37.50 on the 30-day months, and $38.75 on the 31-day months.

This compares to $1.10 per pair per day last year.
I take in some cattle for a neighbor at a place I own not far from JB's neighborhood.

I've been getting $27/AUM for pairs which is probably too cheap these days. $30/AUM and up seems to be more commonplace today for pairs.

My neighbor has been taking care of the fence since I ain't been up to it for a while. I probably owe him some posts and wire. A couple years ago he replaced some badly needed corners so the upkeep last year was minimal.

I have a couple dams and excellent pipeline water. 12' tire tanks with fast recovery make it easy for the whole herd to drink and get back out grazing. 1 1/2" line and curb stops right to the Watson float valves in the tank make for good quantity flow.

When it comes to pasture, if you ain't got good water you ain't got much. At preg check time last fall his cows on this pasture were 100% bred.
John SD said:
I take in some cattle for a neighbor at a place I own not far from JB's neighborhood.

I've been getting $27/AUM for pairs which is probably too cheap these days. $30/AUM and up seems to be more commonplace today for pairs.

My neighbor has been taking care of the fence since I ain't been up to it for a while. I probably owe him some posts and wire. A couple years ago he replaced some badly needed corners so the upkeep last year was minimal.

I have a couple dams and excellent pipeline water. 12' tire tanks with fast recovery make it easy for the whole herd to drink and get back out grazing. 1 1/2" line and curb stops right to the Watson float valves in the tank make for good quantity flow.

When it comes to pasture, if you ain't got good water you ain't got much. At preg check time last fall his cows on this pasture were 100% bred.

Isn't that the truth, about the water. We have either fast recovery pipe lines, or live water in each of our pastures, but... with over 200 cows in each pasture, it still isn't enough. This year, I think we will be adding another windmill, and 2 submersible pumps to our operation.

If your renter is doing all the fence maintenance, $27/AUM is a pretty good deal for both of you.
Some good points made---quality, location, and care. If it's very far, seems like it's at least 10$ a pair--each way--for trucks. And that don't put a pound on anything. Then you got the trips with trailers and horses---burn lots of fuel and always kill a day. And---with most of the places i've been--"the eye of the master" keeps things going a little smoother----there's often a good reason these folks ain't got cows of their own.

On quality----even a 1/3 of a # more gain per day would justify paying quite a bit more. Lazy WP: unless you need more water locations, could additional tanks be the cheapest way to go? I got a field some distance from home, where water availability can be 'sporadic'---We put in enuf fiberglass tanks for about 3 days water on hot days---most of our rented grass is across the fence, 18.50 a pr---well watered, good perimeter fences---I do maintenance, salt, mineral, have use of 2 sets of corrals---have been told to 'run it like i own it'----but the guy don't miss much----you can bet I about anything he don't like, asap. We have gotten slightly crossthreaded a couple times----but thru communicaton and mutual respect---sorted it out quickly and i think it strengthened our relationship. I consider this a very good deal and myself fortunate to have it.
from what i hear around here is anywhere between $20-$30/AUM. i pay towards the bottom of that for one pasture and near the top for another.
Justin said:
from what i hear around here is anywhere between $20-$30/AUM. i pay towards the bottom of that for one pasture and near the top for another.

Justin, that's quite a spread in price if comparing apples to apples. Is there significant differences in the quality of the pasture, water situation, fence condition and upkeep, etc?
Lazy WP: unless you need more water locations, could additional tanks be the cheapest way to go?

I need water at the other end of the pasture. As to the submersibles, they are going in under windmills. I have one well that has about 400 feet of rod in it, and there are trees off to the north. 10 foot head, and unless its a hurricane or a south wind, the well won't pump. Not a good deal when you have nearly 2 miles to the other tank, and 250 pairs. Everyone of our wells has at least a 24 foot tank, and most are 30s with a 20 ft overflow tank to boot.
John SD said:
Justin said:
from what i hear around here is anywhere between $20-$30/AUM. i pay towards the bottom of that for one pasture and near the top for another.

Justin, that's quite a spread in price if comparing apples to apples. Is there significant differences in the quality of the pasture, water situation, fence condition and upkeep, etc?

for the two that i run on... the $20 unit is where i run most of the cows with heifer calves, the grass isn't quite as good, but not bad(little rougher country), good water, the corrals are about on their last leg, fences are decent but the landowner lives on the ranch and keep a pretty close eye on things so once i drop the cows off i don't very often go down there unless to turn bulls out or precondition the calves or if a problem of some sort occurs. this ranch is just short of 30 miles south of home.

the pasture where i run the cows with steer calves is $28. really good grass, good fences and good water along with a good, but basic corral for loading in and out. on this unit, i do all the fencing, checking water and putting out salt and mineral. this unit is about 25 miles north of home.

considering what i have to put into these two units, the prices should almost be flip flopped. but the grass is darn sure better at the higher priced one. anyways, that's what the charge so that is what i pay. :wink:
Thanks for your replies Jinglebob, Lazy WP, jodywy, jigs, ousoonerfan22, James, Soapweed, Denny, John SD, littlejoe, and Justin!

Besides wanting to hear more from others about pasture rent per cow/calf pair per month, is there anyone else out there renting in Western South Dakota who pays/charges per day like Soapweed who could tell me their rate for summer pasture this year, compared to last year?

Also, if there's anyone else who pays/charges per acre, I'd like to hear from them what their rate is for this year, compared to last year, along with how many acres per cow/calf pair it's based on.

I'd really appreciate hearing from any of you about rent per month, day, or acres!

Thanks again!

On mine, you would just take the per month charge and divide by days.

$30 per month divided by 30 days = $1 per pair/per day.

$15 per month divided by 30 days = .$50 per pair/per day.
I know i'm a little far away, but I just landed some more pasture yesterday.

I will be paying $0.95/pair a day. Maybe a little more than I wanted but pasture is nice and close and I can trail the cows there. That makes up for alot as I can check in on them at anytime. Fence will be made in the spring and will be mine to take care of after that.

I have some cheaper pasture at $0.65/pair a day, but it is 35 miles away. It's my father inlaws as well, so I told him I would send the wife back if the rent wasn't cheap. :o He would of settled for just about anything. :D :lol: :lol:

All kidding aside, it costs almost as much to truck my cows there and pay the rent as my new pasture will cost me. It isn't easy finding new pasture here so you kind of have to take what you can get.

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