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2016 Hillary-Michelle 'Dream Ticket' floated

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2009
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And the old man gets wood for the first time in 15 years. :lol:


Hillary Clinton hasn't stepped into the 2016 Democratic presidential primaries yet and there's already buzz growing for the ultimate grrl power ticket: Clinton and first lady Michelle Obama.

"All due respect for President Obama and Vice President Biden, but that would truly be a dream team for America," said former Clinton spokeswoman Karen Finney. "Both women are proven effective leaders who've raise children, so dealing with Congress would be a snap!" added Finney, also a former Democratic Party spokeswoman.

"More than anything else, this reflects the growing awareness that it is time for the glass ceiling of the last old boys club to be firmly shattered," added Democratic strategist Chris Lehane.

It's not just talk. Bumper stickers reading "2016-Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama," and "Hillary-Michelle 2016 First First Lady Ticket For President" are popping up. Cafe Press said sales of the Hillary-Michelle bumper sticker saw a 60% increase from December to March, with the largest uptick in March.
I could see those two appointing that idiot, mayor of NY, "Bloomberg" as the "Meddler In Personal Affairs" Chief.

Whitewing, do you need some help down there?
Mike said:
I could see those two appointing that idiot, mayor of NY, "Bloomberg" as the "Meddler In Personal Affairs" Chief.

Whitewing, do you need some help down there?

:lol: It is disheartening, ain't it.
Whitewater. Vince Foster. Rose Law Firm. Benghazi.

I don't see it happening, no matter how long Old Dumbass has wood for.
It'll never happen... I think Hillary will be the shoo in candidate in 2016- but no Michelle as a running mate... I see a populist candidate like ex Gov Schweitzer as one on the list before Michelle... ...
Whitewing said:
And the old man gets wood for the first time in 15 years. :lol:


Hillary Clinton hasn't stepped into the 2016 Democratic presidential primaries yet and there's already buzz growing for the ultimate grrl power ticket: Clinton and first lady Michelle Obama.

"All due respect for President Obama and Vice President Biden, but that would truly be a dream team for America," said former Clinton spokeswoman Karen Finney. "Both women are proven effective leaders who've raise children, so dealing with Congress would be a snap!" added Finney, also a former Democratic Party spokeswoman.

"More than anything else, this reflects the growing awareness that it is time for the glass ceiling of the last old boys club to be firmly shattered," added Democratic strategist Chris Lehane.

It's not just talk. Bumper stickers reading "2016-Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama," and "Hillary-Michelle 2016 First First Lady Ticket For President" are popping up. Cafe Press said sales of the Hillary-Michelle bumper sticker saw a 60% increase from December to March, with the largest uptick in March.

My guess is this author probably owns lots of Kimberly Clark stock- and knows putting out an article like this will have the rightwingernuts, KKK Grand Poohbahs , White Supremacists, etc. etc. running for some more Depends...

I could imagine a bipartisan Hillary/Christie ticket before I could see Michelle...
Mike said:
You also said Hillary would win the 2008 election............... :roll:

Yep- because I didn't think a black man could get elected- even in the primary...
If Hillary had won the primary- she'd of smoked old McCain too...In fact about anyone who won the Dem primary would have won because it was a mad exodus against the policies of GW- which had been rubberstamped by McCain and the Repub party ....
Traveler said:
Hillary and Michelle together.....imagine the sexual tension. :lol:

Kaw Liga might make a come back as with other cigar store memorabilia. Exactly how does Michelle feel about cigars?
Mike said:
So you were wrong................................... :lol: :lol: :lol: AGAIN!!!!!

Yep- because I didn't think a black man could get elected- even in the primary...

Yep-- I underestimated... I didn't think GW had p*ssed off that many people.... But after GW and the Bush Bust- the voters would elect almost anyone that said they opposed his policies...
loomixguy said:
Whitewater. Vince Foster. Rose Law Firm. Benghazi.

I don't see it happening, no matter how long Old Dumbass has wood for.

I agree, That turd won't float. :roll:
Steve said:
I doubt Michelle Obama could work for, or with anyone...

for US it would be a nightmare... of epic portions..

She would not play 2nd fiddle to an old WHITE woman ! She obviously wears the pants in the White House, As she owns Barracks nuts....... :shock:
Oldtimer said:
Mike said:
So you were wrong................................... :lol: :lol: :lol: AGAIN!!!!!

Yep- because I didn't think a black man could get elected- even in the primary...

Yep-- I underestimated... I didn't think GW had p*ssed off that many people.... But after GW and the Bush Bust- the voters would elect almost anyone that said they opposed his policies...

You're gonna take Bush-blame to your grave, aren't you.

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