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3/28 saddle update

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2005
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Western South Dakota
Here's the latest things I've gotten done.


The saddle is cocked off sideways on the stand so I can stamp the pattern on the swell cover.


A little better view. Makes it difficult to do a good job of stamping. You have to hit the stamp a lot harder and quite a few more times, to make a good impression.


Finally done!


Her's Mrs. JB Jr.'s new purse. I still have to polish the edges and put bag kote on it and perhaps a little oil or leather cream.


Here's the back biew. I worked on this most of the day Sunday, drawing out the patterns and doing the tooling and stamping. Mrs JB Jr came down and helped me design it.


Beef! It's whats for dinner!
Brought to you, not by the beef council, but by Jinglebob!

This was my reward for doing the stamping on the saddle today! It was 1 and 1/2 inches thick and rare to medium rare and wonderful! I couldn't even eat it all. Tomorrows breakfast. You can't beat them forage fattened steaks!

Ain't you jelous Sopweed? :wink:
Saddle is looking good Jinglebob. That is an awfully fancy tagging box that you made for the Missus :!: Now she will be out taking care of the cows and you will have to stay inside and work on the saddle :wink:
The steak looks mighty good. Peach Blossom and I played hooky yesterday afternoon. She had a back treatment, and I took in part of a bull sale. We then just drove down the road to Chadron, went to 'horror of horror' Wallyworld for a little while, saw several people we knew, and had supper on the town. I had steak and she had salmon filet. We thoroughly enjoyed our night on the town, and appreciated Saddletramp covering for us while we were gone.
Good for you-Soapweed and Peach Bloosom! Hope the back gets better!. This seems to be the only time of yr. that I am bothered with back problems-between the cold and handling of calves,I would guess. I must be gettin' near the 50 yr. mark! Yep, that is correct,but life is good :D
Hope "Peach Blossom's" back gets better. Nothin worse than a hurt back, makes ya feel worse than if ya were sick.

Saddles comin along real nice Jinglebob. And that purse looks like a combination of two of mine. one that has a top flap like that and a longer handle, and the other more kinda like a dr's bag (but smaller) with a buckle closure similar to that. the one with the longer strap the kids call it one of two things, "The kid beater" or the "husband beater" I got it when our daughter was about 5 or 6 and with it on my shoulder hangin down, it'd smack her right in the head if she was standin beside me and I turned around. So I quite carryin that one for a while till she got a lil taller.
Yup jinglebob,you are a pretty fair leather smith and not bad story teller :wink: ............good luck
Good for you Soapweed. Hope the back is "back" into shape in no time. I guess if you didn't have all those easily closed gate gadgets, maybe her back would have had the muscles built up and this wouldn't have happened? :???: :lol:

Mrs JB Jr had a couple of pictures of what she liked and we worked off from that. I'm pleased with the carving on the back, but ain't real sure about the front. When I get it oiled up I'll try and remember to take another pic.

This one is about 9 inches long and 5 high and wide and tapers to about 4 wide at the top. The strap lets out to about 26 inches long . She had a cloth one about this size that we patterened it off from. the strap has a magnet closure.
JB-guess I should have commented on your awesome workmanship on both the saddle and purse! Great talent you have there :)
It's sooooo wonderful to have relatives who are sooo talented. now if only I had a belt to match...........maybe some pretty spur straps.................. a new saddle............:D :D :D I guess I'll have to sweet talk a lot more........ :wink: it really is a great purse, I just want you to know how thankful I am, well, that and to show it off to everyone, brag about it, that sort of thing.... :wink: now, about that belt...................
Angus Girl said:
Are you taking order on the purses.... jk.... Very nice both the saddle and purse!

Welllllll, not on that one, unless the owner of it gets to whining about wanting a belt or some spur straps or something else. :wink:

But I could build another. If your interested, just pm me. But it won't be real cheap! :wink:
JB can make anything, it's just finding the time that's the difficult part. There has to be enough time to do it right, make it pretty, and thats' why we love him :D ...... he makes such pretty stuff! lol. no, really, the purse is wonderful, and I'm sure the belt and spur straps will be too............. oops, did I say that out loud? :D :D
None of the leather purses i seem to like these days are cheap!! Might reflect my love for anything western... There are some awesome montana purses but lots of moola thats for sure! I will have to think about it... definitely one of the nicer ones I have seen lately and I have been looking all over!
Angus Girl said:
None of the leather purses i seem to like these days are cheap!! Might reflect my love for anything western... There are some awesome montana purses but lots of moola thats for sure! I will have to think about it... definitely one of the nicer ones I have seen lately and I have been looking all over!

Why thanks! :)

Flattery like that and you just might get one a little cheaper! :lol:
JB; Looks like business could be picking up for your leather shop: you're gonna have to give up wasting time on things like sleeping and eating,doing chores etc. :lol: :lol: :wink:
cowsense said:
JB; Looks like business could be picking up for your leather shop: you're gonna have to give up wasting time on things like sleeping and eating,doing chores etc. :lol: :lol: :wink:

Naw, just going to have to kick my addiction to Ranchers.net! :shock: :eek:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:shock: :???: :oops:

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