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Updated: December 8, 2011
USDA today issued its long-awaited, final GIPSA rule, lacking many of the provisions favored by some beef cattle groups and opposed by others. The rule focuses primarily on contract arrangements between poultry and hog growers, companies and packers, leaving out, for now, some of the most contentious provisions relating to beef cattle marketing.
:lol: :lol:
Source: http://www.cattlenetwork.com/cattle-news/latest/Whats-left-out-of-the-GIPSA-rule-135260088.html
More: http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/industries/apnewsbreak-us-ag-department-finalizes-stripped-down-antitrust-rule-regulating-meat-companies/2011/12/08/gIQAL9O8dO_story.html

Clearly, the USDA has bowed to the pressure of the meatpackers and their allies who do not want USDA to oversee the unfair trade practices that are going on in our industry,” said Bill Bullard, chief executive of R-CALF USA, a group that represents small to mid-sized cattle producers.

I see absolutely nothing wrong in the way of “ unfair trade practices by the meatpackers and their allies.
IMO they are simply guaranteeing that supply meets demand on a timely basis while at the same time providing financial aid to their suppliers through “factoring “.
In finance factoring, the factor (called the financing factor) advances funds to a producer or a manufacturing firm, on the security of produce or goods that will be produced or manufactured utilizing those funds.
See: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/factoring.html

There is absolutely no reason a “ small to mid-sized cattle producers “ could not use this very same trade practice to maximize his/her profit.

So were/what is the problem that needs solving?

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